One Nation Under God

There is a nation under God. One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
There is a nation rising, and it's rising is like the rising of the morning sun.

It is nation of people, people from every tongue and tribe. It is a nation of people who are called to be God's own purchased possession, purchased and cleansed of sin by faith, faith in the One who gave them life. His name is Jesus Christ. They are His people, people washed by the blood of the Lamb.

They are people of the Spirit, but not the spirit of the world.
These are they who are born of flesh and reborn into the Spirit, led of the Spirit, people born of the spirit of God.

Can you imagine such a nation?

It's a nation without borders where all the people are as one. (John 17:11, 21,22) It stretches from the foundation of the earth itself (John 17:24) to the boundless realms of heaven far above the sky. (Psalm 50:6; 97:6; 102:25; 136:5)

Together the people of this holy nation are like a temple unto God, a temple built without human plans, or human origin; a temple not built with humans hands, but somewhere deep beneath the heart. With one heart, one mind and soul, the people of this are one people, a royal priesthood, and together with the hosts of heaven they sing praise and thanksgiving to their creator, God and king. The Lord Jesus Christ, they call him; Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

They are His holy people.
They marvel at his wonders. They give glory to his name.

Washed of sin and completely, they stand forever redeemed. They are His purchased possession. They are secure and safe from all harm. They stand forever, forever in his hand. They are a royal nation, a holy nation, immovable and strong, incorruptible, and this will withstand the test of even time. The gates of hell cannot prevail, for Jesus Christ has built his church. (Matthew 16:18) It stands forever. Like the sand that is the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, it cannot prevail, but merely pass over.

Storms may strike, clouds and waves may come and go, night may fall, and even death may overtake the body, but no evil can prevail.
Death had no sting,
sin has no victory.
Jesus Christ is King and he has paid the price for sin. His people are redeemed.

They stand in awe, redeemed forever.


They are sealed, by the Holy Spirit, the very breath of God.

They rest, trust, hope, in Him, waiting for a new day to begin. They are his children.

Children of a promise, the children of the King, legitimate heirs; children of a faithful father.

They are sons and daughters of a kinsmen redeemer, the one who is the rightful owner of the earth, the one who rules and reigns forever from on high. God.

Like Abraham, they believe,
and rightly reason
that God is perfect in all his ways,
capable of anything,
even of raising the dead to life.

Like the apostles, they follow Jesus.
They listen.
They watch.
They trust.
They pray.

They follow in the footsteps of Jesus. They follow Paul as he follows Christ himself.
They trust in God, and in his Holy Word,
not man or mammon,
and they wait
for deliverance…
which they with their own eyes will one day see
for God, they know, is faithful... and true.

Like those before them
who have walked the narrow road and traveled through the valley of the shadow of death,
they do not walk alone.

Jesus died for them. in their place. They are one with Him, at one with him.


They have a shepherd who loves them, who laid down his own life and took it up again,
and they believe that one-day,
in but the twinkling of an eye,
at the sound of the last trumpet,
He will return
and they will meet Him in the clouds.
Then the whole nation will be raised…
they will be forever free.
There is a nation rising.

One nation, under God, indivisible... with liberty and justice for all.

1 comment:

  1. can i go there? I like this nation! :-) I like ur restuarant review page!! you have to keep it up! what a great idea! iF you go try Indian food, i wanna go with u! No one else will do it with me! there is a place on northwest blvd..markeresh or something..i would love to try..mediterrean food. Lori Hollaway
