
Pantheism is the religious belief that the force of the universe and all created matter is God. By such a definition, forces such as magnetism and electricity would be considered “God” as well as dirt, trees humans animals and everything else in between. Pantheists embrace life, the physical body and earth wind and fire, but not any supernatural deities, entities or powers.

A pantheist will spiritually relate to the universe and do so with humility, awe, reverence, celebration and be pursuant of deeper understanding, which in many ways is quite similar to how Christian believers relate to "God," they just like to subtract from it all what they what they call the “groveling worship.” they have no expectation that there is any being out there who can answer “prayer.” All of the natural world as well as the person looking at the world around them is what they have decided as God. "Pan" means "all" and “theos" means "God."

To the ancient Greek culture, Pan was the name of a specific god. He was depicted in picture form as a small half-man/half-beast sort of creature that had horns and a goatee beard His torso and head was human-like, but his hindquarters, complete with animal legs and hooves were beastly. He was believed to have invented a musical pipe, which he carried with him and played as he roamed the forests, fields, groves and hollows watching over them and all the wild things of the earth. Legend says that Pan's greatest conquest was his seduction of the moon goddess. Supposedly he disguised himself as a sheep and seduced her.

The Roman rendition of this Pan was known as Faunus. Like the Greek version he had horns and was part man and beast. He was known as the god who would create sudden fear or “pan”ic in people when they were out in the lonely places of wilderness… even for no reason. He was also a god of rage, masculine virility and sexual power. It is he to whom the Romans worshiped at Lupercalia... whose priests wore goat-skins and hit onlookers with goat-skin belts in a festival they celebrated Feburary 13th at his temple.

But pantheists do not worship in a temple and they do not believe in gods or goddesses. Their focus is on the earth and nature, their interest is in saving the earth rather than saving humanity's souls. in worshiping and serving nature and all created things, rather than what "believers" call, and think of as God.

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