Peace Circles

Peace Circles (also called Sacred Circles) can be simply gatherings of people to hold hands in the shape of a circle, done as an expression of unity. Face to face and hand to hand they join together in an expression of peace between them. Peace circles and sacred circles for the purpose of prayer are common in Christianity as well as rituals done in Gnosticism, witchcraft and indigenous cultures that worship nature. “Peace Circle” and "Sacred Circle.” are becoming more common religious and political buzzwords.

The Global Renaissance Alliance, (GRA) founded by Marianne Williamson, Neil Donald Walsh and Thorn Hartmann is one of many global minded spiritually based organizations emerging on the political scene that is working to create a one world country of the whole planet. Their premise is peace and as the GRA they published a booklet about “Peace Circles” in which they say, “Peace Circles are providing ways for individuals and groups to rise up in glory, power and strength, to change our lives and to change our world. Little by little, we are forming the grid of mystical power that will shield the world from its own insanity, and move through the fear to the love.”

They talk about "the grid of mystical power," that “will shield the world from their own insanity,” but they reject the truth of God and insert their own ideas in their spiritual thinking. They do not realize that they are shutting themselves off, putting up even greater barriers between themselves and God. As the circles form and peace is made on their open concentric, not God's, they are merely building their own kingdom. They are doing spiritual things in their own way, and on the basis of occult practices combined with humanly derived reason. It may be peace that comes their way but it is not heavenly peace, it's at best, temporary, the kind of peace the world gives. They are not shielding the world from insanity; they are outwardly rejecting God until the insanity within breaks like a dam and there is no longer a remedy.

What does a person do in this gnostic, occultic kind of "peace circle"? To answer that question, I looked in the Peace Circle booklet offered by the GRA.

The Peace Circle booklet says, “The circle begins with a simple prayer, followed by the "weaving together" of our minds and hearts. The circle's facilitator says prayerfully, beginning with the person to his or her left and going around in a clockwise direction, ‘We bow before the spirit within ________(insert name of person) and receive into our hearts, our beloved ______.’ (insert name) This spiritual weaving establishes a sacred circle among the members of the group, who then pray and meditate silently for a full twenty minutes. After that, we allow the spirit within us to speak as we feel so moved, to describe our vision for the world we would like to inhabit.” The booklet goes on to say, “We use the power of our imaginations to invoke the world we wish to live in.”

Can you imagine? The reject God and Jesus Christ and invoke the world.

They have their own agenda, their own vision of peace founded on the Spirit of humanity and human wisdom. They simply invent something they prefer. to God and his Holy Spirit.
They cry, "peace and safety, peace and safety", (See: 1 Thessolonians 5:3) but there is none. There are many groups and organizations like the GRA that share in the rejection of God and the vision of a peace on earth and they are co-operatively building.

This group called the Global Renaissance Alliance, was at one time called the American Renaissance and then became the Peace Alliance in 2005. They have evolved, you might say, from being "American" to "Global," and now they are "Peace." With a political agenda more aligned with the Maharishi's of the world than the founding Fathers, they work hard to establish a new "United States Department of Peace."

Working to create a U.S. Department of Peace and Nonviolence within the American governmental system (when we already have a United State Institute of Peace established by Congress since 1984,) takes a consorted effort of all the “peace” proponents in the world. In addition to big name supporters like Marianne Williamson, and Neale Donald Walsch, their webpages have boasted of supporters such as Deepak Chopra, Willie Nelsen, Tyne Daily, Walter Cronkite, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Paula Abdul.

It is the hope of the Peace Alliance and their members that they will someday be “responsible for developing policies that address issues such as domestic violence, child abuse, and mistreatment of the elderly.” They want to work internationally too and “make recommendations to the President on matters pertaining to national security, including the protection of human rights and the prevention and de-escalation of unarmed and armed international conflict.”

If they had their way, the Department would also have an “Office of Peace Education” that would “work with educators in elementary, secondary and universities in the development and implementation of curricula to instruct students in peaceful conflict resolution skills,” and a “Peace Academy… (note: not a police acedemy) modeled after the military service academies…. to provide instruction in peace education and offer opportunities for graduates to serve in programs dedicated to domestic or international nonviolent conflict resolution.”

They have some pretty big goals. Ultimately, it would seem that they hope to circumvent the already established organizations and put their organization in leadership over the already established United States.

If they have their way, they will teach our teachers, train our military and advise and instruct our president. Should this occur, it’s possible that we will no longer be the USA. We might even end up being annexed into the Global Country of World Peace, run by the Maharishi.

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