The Human Mind

The human mind is amazing. In fact among all the various forms of life on earth the mind of human beings is really quite unique. It perplexes itself thinking about itself as it considers what it is and why and how humans think and act and compare to other life forms on the planet.

Humans can do many things that animals cannot do. They can read and write, that is to say that they can put their life experiences, their dreams and ideas into words and sounds which then can be understood or at the very least, deciphered. They can identify scientific principals and repeat them. They make tools of many kinds and not only work with them, but create and manage their use in complexly organized functions. Humans theorize spiritual concepts and make moral judgments as they make (and break) codes of conduct and rules of law. They are also the only creature on the planet known to build fires, cook their food, and wear clothes. Man is definitely unique. Man is definitely unique among all the living things of earth, sea and sky.

Imagine, if you will, life as we know it... man and all the creatures, all living things... spinning through space at incredible speeds on an island like globe. It's quite amazing to think about. Who could even imagine such a reality or existence as this? As we humans think of it with fascination, as we marvel at the world we find our selfs in, we also marvel at the world we find ourselves without. The human mind is desperate for answers, but it also wrestles with the truth and it loves to imagine.

In the chaos of a world seemingly spinning out of our control, in the change from life to death, we quite rationally long for the world we are in to be perfect, at least from our own perspective. There is something wrong with the world, Things are not as they should be and we know it. So we try in our human minds to figure out what is wrong and make it better. It is as if the biblical concept of a place called Eden is hardwired into our being. Some people believe that an Eden-like place can be obtained, if only we would imagine life on earth to be that way.

But there is a point at which imagination meets reality and the two must intersect. One cannot simply imagine something and by the shear power of imagination make it a reality...can they?

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