Betty Eadie

Betty Eadie is a lady who almost died, but she was miraculously Embraced By The Light and wrote a “Number 1 New York Times Best-selling Book” to tell about it. In it she claims that she did not die because "Jesus" gave her another chance. Her mission from that point on was to tell the world about the true light of the world. She says that during her near death experience she was shown “many visions of the earth and of the changes it will go through in coming times, changes necessary for the purification of the earth."

Eadie's book, titled, Embraced By The Light, promotes an interesting blend of the Mind Sciences, Native American traditions and Mormon doctrines and tries to pass this off as Christianity. Edie, who now has this special message direct from "Jesus" believes that, “Jesus was a separate being from God, with his own divine purpose.” (Embraced By the Light, page 47) Christianity, on the other hand believes Jesus is one in purpose and being with God the Heavenly Father. John 1:1 says, He was with God and was God, yet he dwelt among us. Jesus even said, “if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” (John 14:7-11; John 6:46) Unfortunately for her readers, the idea that Jesus is not God incarnate and not the Only true Son of God or even of the same purpose as God is, like many other false teachings, contrary to the written scriptures.

Edie, like many other religious works that claim to enlighten the world with spiritual wisdom from beyond the knowable physical realm, uses Jesus as a reference point to try to somehow validate a broader spectrum of beliefs. She is not alone in this idea, and she may even be ebing honest in saying she was simply told the being's name was Jesus... but it’s a completely different Jesus than the Jesus of the Bible; an impostor!

No one can argue with Betty Eadie that the experiences she claims happened to her, did not happen. She has spoken, written and been interviewed for the purpose of telling us what did happen to her. However, based upon the scriptures, and the Holy Spirit that testifies to the Jesus of the scriptures, we can examine what she says and ask, if it is spiritual truth or not.

Easdie says that after her decent into death fallowing surgery she was subsequently greeted by "Jesus " who sent her on a journey to discover the laws of the universe. Laws that govern our lives that, if they are fallowed, will bring peace and joy and love into our lives. Eadie's "Jesus," whoever he is, must have forgotten why the Jesus of Christianity, the King of the Jews himself, died on the cross.

Eadie is half Native American, specifically a descendant of the Lakota Sioux nation. She is very proud of her Indian Heritage and there is also something about Jesus she appreciates too, which she has learned from a Mormon perspective in her own life. Her book is an obvious blending of the two and both are things she holds near and dear to her, both are things she believes in.

Eadie is serious about her near death experience and the things that happened to her and in getting this message out to others. Eadie says, "Embraced By The Light is not about religion. Neither is it only about what happens when we die. It's about living life to its fullest as God intended, without fear of him or of making mistakes," she says. "We are divine beings here on earth to gain wisdom through experience, both good and bad, as we exercise our free will. We need to learn loving ways of living based on what is eternally true."

Eadie believes in spiritual things... she also believes in love... she may even understand the importance of a man named Jesus... (bless her heart) but like so many who are quick to mix truth and error, something is amiss. In talking to people about the prospect of a movie about her book, she said there was no way she would take Jesus out of any script. She says she wants people to come away feeling "loved by God unconditionally, regardless of religious preference or mistakes made in life." She also said, "It's not that I believe everyone will meet Jesus when they die, some don't. Nor do I want to push Jesus on people who are not of that belief. But I know who I met in heaven. I feel to remain honest about that."

Eadie's theology may be mixed up, but there is one thing she seems to be hanging on to, even when she is was "near death," ... Jesus. All I know from where I am is that there is something beautiful about remaining true to the story, the way things really happened. There is something pure about this thing called honesty. Truth is, we are all subject to deception and confusion, even hanging on to our own beliefs or the beliefs that other people tell us to believe, that is, until we come face to face with answering who He (Jesus ) is... and who he isn't.

That is one important thing to know about the Bible; it's honest. Christians are those who believe what God says... believe on the one whom he sent, Jesus. And the thing about the Bible is that it's truthful about who Jesus is and isn't and what he said and did. The bible, is an honest book written by a multitude of authors who all give an honest testimony to God, over hundreds of years time... in more than one language.

The Bible is true, and it's blantantly honest too when it says, " neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " (Romans 8:38)

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