Celestine Prophecy

The Celestine Prophecy, (1995) by James Redfield began as a self-published book that was eventually made into a movie. Considered to be a spiritual book, it is a story that reveals Nine Insights into a greater spirituality, discovered via Jame's own personal journey for insight into spiritual matters. It is written as what Redfield calls, "spiritual adventure parables."

Redfield’s webpage describes the Celestine Prophecy as "part Indiana Jones, part Scott Peck," so it is bound to be an exciting read, but more than excitement and adventure.. it is "spiritual" giving spiritual wisdom to the reader. Redfields webpage tells it's inquirer that "The Celestine Prophecy created a model for spiritual perception and actualization that resonated with millions of people and focused on the mysterious coincidences that occur in each of our lives.”

Through the books nine spiritual insights, comes the prediction of a worldwide awakening, an arising within all religious traditions... one that Redfield and friends believe will move humanity toward a deeper experience of "spirituality." Interestingly, the success Redfield has seen with this book has inspired him to write more books in order to get the spiritual secret of the “prophecy” out to the world.

Other books by Redfield include, The Tenth Insight: Holding on to the Vision (1998); The Purpose of Your Life: finding Your Place In the World Using Synchronicity, Intuition and Uncommon Sense,(1999) Expectant Universe (2001) The Secret of Shambala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight; (2001) God and the Evolving Universe, (2003)

Other insights have been devoloped over the years since...Redfield is currently worling on number twelve. But the latest endeavor of Redfieild is something called the Global Prayer Project that comes from the Eleventh Insight. Redfield teaches his followers that "prayer power is a field of intention, which moves out from us and can be extended and strengthened, especially when we connect with others in a common vision." Like many others who reject biblical Christianity, he believes that prayer power "is the power through which we hold the vision of a spiritual world and build the energy in ourselves and in others to make this vision a reality."

Yes the builders are building, but they are building something of their own vision, something they create themselves and this without the true and living God. In the end of the book, humans of earth use what has been learned in these parables, these adventures to raise their consciousness to a level where they become invisble. The entire human race become spiritual adepts who through thier spiritual insight and practices, disappear, or rather, move on to a higher plane of existence.

Intereting. You might conclude that it's a sort of "new age rapture."

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