Mark Satin

Mark Satin is known as a lawyer, political activist and writer and he enjoys his reputation as a US draft dodger. He is also a New Ager, and has authored the books, New Age Politics: Healing Self and Society (1979) and Radical Middle, the Politics We Need Now, (2004.)

Satin is notable because he is tends to be neither left nor right.  In fact, he believes that he takes the “concerns of the left and right – and builds on them toward something new.” He is neither thesis nor antitheseis, but rather, a man of synthesis, and he calls his form of politics “the emerging new politics.”

Satin claims to be the founder of an organization he calls the New World Alliance. which makes the claim that they are,  “An Alliance of individuals to encourage ALL of us to look deeply and questioningly at our attitudes and values, our institutions, and the way we live . . . and, together, to create a New -- and better -- World.”  At his webpage he states that the members of this organization "are not a political party, nor another special interest lobby, but rather something far more fundamental.”

But what exactly could be "more fundamental than politics?  If it is not political, what is it? Religion?  If religion, which one? 

Does it even matter, and would any in particular be excluded from the mix?

One thing is certain, that is, the concept  behind such thinking in one that believes in man's goodwill toward man, something "obviously" evident as we look back at human history... NOT.    It's also a belief than man, no matter his belief in God has the superior intellect to justly manage all the affairs of the world, including food production and equitable dispersion of goods and services for all.  Thes are lovely aspirations, but where is god in it all.  Where is the Bible?

Without God, these ideas are what some people would call that call that socialism, others, who deliberately forget, or do not want to believe that "in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth,"  simply call it "change" and they try to be pluralistic in a world of opposites.  It's a lovely dream until one awakens to the reality that mankind is not as benevolent a creature as he would like to think he is and totallu lost without God.  For some, it never dawns upon then that they are double minded in their thinking as they strive onward to what they call sustainability or perhaps a more "Natural Genesis."

Satin is not an atheist, and he is definately looking for answers as he tries to solve the problems of the world.  He says he recently discovered the Bible and now believes the Bible, even believes it to be "the very best tool we have for accessing the complexity, the many-sidedness, and the terrible bitter truths of our world ." He endorses it saying "that the Bible is the one essential social change manual for grown-ups, be they 18 or 81 years of age."  He concluded that it is the Master Book for Our Time.

Indeed it is...and it does not come back void.  Certainly it has a perspective to lend to our minds about a lot of things... particularly the person of Jesus and those who believe the things he said and did.  Sometimes that just takes a while, and time is on God's side.

In 2008 Satin said, (at his radical middle website,) "I read the Bible for the first time at the end of last year, and I’ve been reading Bible commentaries and better translations ever since. On another level, though, I’ve always been searching for a book like the Bible.  For my entire adult life, I’ve been searching for a book – a One Book, a Master Text -- that could show us how to change the world for the better."

He might be on to something with that thought....  the answer of course is Jesus.

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