Neale Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch publishes books that he claims contain the new revelation of God and what God now has to say to the world. Walsch, who began his career being angry at God, at a point in his life where depression set in and he was in a lot of turmoil.

Neale says that he began asking God all sorts of religious and philosophical questions, like, "What does it take for me to have my life work? and What have I done to deserve a life of such continuing struggle? and Somebody tell me the rules
, because I’ll play if you’ll just tell me the rules!" He says that that is when he heard what was an audible voice speaking to him giving him answers to those very things and it has happened ever since.

Neale claims that these channeled conversations and answers are what became his books, Conversations with God, and that he is delighted to deliever, from "God" these new messages to the world.

In addition to book writing, Walsch is active in a group called, “Humanity’s Team,” ( as, a “bridge-building organization that seeks to produce a climate in which humanity can create an emancipating New Spirituality.” Their own description continues, “Gone will be the requirements, judgments and punishments now attributed to God. Gone too will be the perennial cycle of conflict and violence on Earth, which we at Humanity's Team® think is based on a misbelief that God practices, and therefore approves of and encourages, such conduct.”

And as if that is not enough, (Conversations with God, and Humanities team,) Walsch works with friends, Bernie Seigle, Matthew Fox, Bruce Chilton, and Master Young Hee promoting the his new school. Founded in 2002 as The Heartlight Education, it was renamed in March 2003 as The School of the New Spirituality. The school’s mission is “ReCreating the World Anew,” and is centered on promoting what they call common truth: “We Are One and We are Love, Joy and Wisdom in Human Form.”

Walsch's idea of 'New Spirituality' is defined as “a way of honoring our natural impulse toward the Divine without making others wrong for the way in which they are doing it.” He ignores what the Bible says about man'snatural impulses. In doing so, Walschs as created a sort of ersats Christianity... whereby on one hand he says that there is no such thing as “evil,” (they are merely illusions) and then,to those who have a notion that he might be wrong, but still believe in God, he gives them the instruction, direct from "God," to “forgive his own sins.” As a thinking reasoning human beings, is it not your natural implse to ask, how one can “forgive” a mere “illusion” – one Walsche says, does not even exist. Why forgive sin when the cross of Christ is considered mere foolishness? His "new" revelation is, "you cannot die and will never be condemned to eternal damnation." (The New Revelations, pg 329)

Besides his own websites:;;; and, Neale Walsch’s entrepreneurial spirit can be found in his wide range of Internet organizations and "outreaches." These include several ever-changing “non-profit” “peace and harmony promoting” foundations, a prison ministry, a homeless ministry, a “Whole Wellness” program, an "outreach" “to the world's gay and lesbian community,” an "outreach" to the world's teen population, as well as spiritual growth workshops and retreats. Walsch also owns Conversations With God Resources, (CWGR) a “for-profit company dedicated to spreading the message of the CWG books around the world” and Millennium Legacies, Inc., a communications company which operates Walsch Music and Walsch Books, and as if that is not enough, Walsch is co founder, (with Dr. Seung Heun Lee, a.k.a. Ilchi Lee) of the New Millennium Peace Foundation and officiates as “coach” of Humanity’s Team, which he calls a “civil rights movement of the soul.”

Neale Donald Walsch, like many other "spirituality minded" people of today, doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ, or in the God of yesterday, and is getting wealthy as he inspires you to do the same, for a fee. He is not a minister of the gospel and he doesn't run a church, he runs a business selling books, journals, study guides, arm bracelets, CD’s, movies teaching materials and courses that you can purchase to study his books.

Walsche's ultimate goal, and the goal of the "God" he has conversations with is to make a fortune, get others on his bandwagon, and to help spiritualy minded people believe, not in God, but in they come to reject completely the true and living God.

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