American Way

Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos began Amway, (short for American Way,) in 1959. It began as a soap company organized for the purpose of helping every American have their own business. The mission of the company is, and has been since it began, to help people “lead better lives.”

Over the years Amway has grown to be an international, multi-billion-dollar, multilevel marketing (MLM) business. Today it is parented by a company called Alticor, which also oversees the company  Quixtar, the America On Line (Internet) version of the preexisting "Amway" company.

All that people have to do make a lot of money in Amway or Quixtar is sell products to other people, and they tell you that  it's easy because they are products people need and use everyday.  Amway sells, for example; soap, and everyone needs and uses soap.  They also sell vitamins, cosmetics, appliances and electronics.  When you deliver your product to your customer, as the seller, you get a percentage of the sales. You can get other people to sell Amway too and when they get their product through you and you get a portion from that as well.  The more people you recruit, and the more money they make, helps you make money too.  They too can follow in your footsteps... and make sales and new recruits. This benefits you, them and the company at large.

When people join the company, (after attending a great sales pitch where they either purchase products or sign up to make money selling Amway,) people buy into the company and are told they are “business owners,” rather than salesmen. They are touted as "entrepreneurs," not connected particularly to the company;  they are their own financial risk.  This has created a scenario for allegations over the years whereby people contend that the Amway business is not a true business, but a money making scheme, perpetrated in order to make only a few people at the top rich while everyone under them in the “line” does the work. There have been numerous investigations into this.

However, when investigated it became apparent that most of the products Amway sold were sold for personal consumption. People were not forced, (only offered) to become independent business owners, which they chose to do on their own volition.  In Amway, no one is really working for anyone else's benefit, but their own, and as such they are merely a long line of happy consumers each buying the Amway products.  The end result of course, was making the people who started the idea rich .

If you or I were clever enough, "entrepreneurial" enough, like everyone in line ahead of us, we could get other people to buy their own company too, from us, consume the same products we do, and then we too would be wealthy as they are.

The American Way?
What is it?

Singer Toby Keith, sings a song "about it."
Miller Beer, brews booze "that" way,
People use the term loosely all the time.

The People for the American Way, think they know exactly what the "American Way" is and they have a mission to make that "way" quite clear to everyone else.

Sometime you would think that "the American Way," is anybody's guess.  The United States of America's way, no matter how you look at it, has always stood for freedom and had respect for individual human rights, derived via  nature's natural laws.   

An America is known for being a Christian Nation, the US of A all around the world as she has sent out missionaries to aid the sick and poor, or welcomed them at her doorsteps, has stood for Faith in God, and Jesus Christ the Savior too.  The United States of America, has stood for the FREEDOM TO BELIEVE in such things, a land when men and women had the freedom to live without fear of being harmed by their fellow man, because God, not man, was looked to (Even metaphorically speaking,) as landlord, judge and as King.  But now, people have and promote such different perspectives or what freedom is and isn't.  Instead of the freedom TO BELEIVE, people come to the USA and fight for the freedom to reject God's declaration that through Him is the only way, and in Him  is really where true freedom is ever to be found. 

Yes, in America, where people are "free" they are free to choose what they will and will not believe.  While some believe God and uphold his standards there are those who demand that they have a  choice.... and who choose openly to rebell against God, his will, and all his ways. They make their own choices about who they are and aren't. They are happy flaunt  form of bad behavior possible, even make it look elegant and pretty, deliberatly doing what God says is evil, with pleasure as they reject Jesus Christ, who is OUR HOPE, and  fight to keep God far away from themselves.  They do not believe in God and make the demand for the "separation of church and state" and practice things that are unnautral to human dignigty and decency, this with great pride.  They make their preference clear and determine for themselves in their own minds and hearts, what they believe about who they are.... and simply reject God, and his promised Savior, and dispise His Holy Word.

The "American Way"  hasn't changed.  It is still about freedom and free will.  And we have had the increidible opportunity,  the freedom to choose between God and man, heaven and hell, good and evil,   believing truth, or believing lies.  There is something still to be said about exercising that freedom. IT wasn't America who gave us freewill, to serve the master of our choice. 

It was God.

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