
This post is about Rick Waren and his constant use of this term "amputation" in relation to the Christian Church.

To undergo an amputation means that some extremity of the body has been removed.  When a part is amputated, the once usable limb is forever unavailable for use. Amputation can occur accidentally through a traumatic event, but sometimes it is done strategically to save the life of a person suffering from disease or serious injury.

Warren likes to talk about amputation in relation to the Christian church.   In a USA Today article, A Model of Faith, June 2006, Rick Warren said, “The New Testament says the church is the body of Christ, but for the last 100 years, the hands and feet have been amputated, and the church has just been a mouth. And mostly, it's been known for what it's against. ... I'm so tired of Christians being known for what they're against." 

He repeatedly comments this way, suggesting that Jesus' body, the Church, is without arms and legs, and like to make the accusation that the Church, particularly the "self serving" American Church is a failure, having done nothing constructive for the world, “for the last 100 years.” He has also said, “We have become one big mouth that only stands against things. I am tired of being associated with people who only stand against things.”(Rick Warren, Willow Creek Association’s Leadership Summit, Day One, August 11, 2005)

On CNN’s LARRY KING LIVE, Interview With Rick Warren, that aired March 22, 2005, Warren repeated his mantra.  He remarked, “I believe the church is ready for what I call, a second reaffirmation… The Bible calls the church, the body of Christ. And for too long the church has had two hands and arms amputated, and it's just been a big mouth. And too often the church has been known for what it's against, rather than what it's for. And I hope to make a change in that along with a lot of another people. That we need to reattach the hands and arms, that's why I was in Africa.”

The overuse of this phrase is notable.  Warren is ready to fix the body of Jesus, reattach the body parts that are not there and get the church to stop being a mouth to the world.  He says he is tired of it, a long with a lot of other people, but he doesn't seem to mind, if he is the one doing all the talking.

Is the Church nothing but a “big mouth?”

Better yet, is a "big mouth" a bad thing for the church to be?

Think about the prophets.  These men were big mouths.  They were , if you will, “mouths” for God. They were spokesmen, who as prophets, declared the Word of the Lord to the people. They warned people of the consequences of sin. They revealed the truth of God. Today we call such men of faith who have big mouths and preach about Jesus, “preachers.”

And what does a preacher do?  Their job is to actually use their mouth and preach, as Paul wrote to Timothy, , “in season and out.” (2 Tim 4:2)  The church cannot be silent.... Jesus himself said that if all the human tongues were still, the rocks and stones would cry out. In other words, if people do not open their mouths and speak, the rocks will. 

Rick also says, "And too often the church has been known for what it's against, rather than what it's for?"

What exactly does the church stand for and against in the world?

It is no secret.  The church stands undoubtedly for faith in God and Jesus... you can ask most anyone on the street, they will have heard.  And yes, someone in the world has to speak out against atrocity and sin. The mandate of the church is to SPEAK the truth, love.... love for JEsus and for people, and for Christians that means in love for one another.  The darkness hates the light and the darkness hates to hear the word of God being preached.Why would a Christian pastor be tired of peple talking about God?  What exactly is the "big mouth" church saying that Pastor Rick is offended by? 

He is working,  as he said on Larry King's show, "to  make a change in that along with a lot of another people," he has a plan to " reattach the {amputated} hands and arms.  Metaphrocally speaking, it sounds more like he is creating a monster.

Surprisingly, Rick Warren does not think that the biggest problems in the world today, is murder, greed and other sins, he is worried about really evil things, like illiteracy and poverty.Worse of all, he forgets that it is often the Christians in America that dare to speak up for the poor and the fatherless and the orphans, he forgets that the Christian church, for the last hundred years in fact, has taken stands against the things God says are truely evil. 

Meanwhile, Rick Warren continues to preach  his message all over the media and airwaves,.  He talks about the Bible, about the gospel, the good news, and his own church, Saddleback Church in California, and yet he spends a lot of time finding fault with "self-serving" American Christians and the "big mouth" Christian Church, making sure he get's his "purpose driven" message out. Out of his mouth come both blessing and cursing, and somehow, this should just not be!

From the book of James, Chapter 3
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.  (NIV)

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