Transpersonal Psychology

Charles Tart, born in 1937, is known as one of the founders of a branch of psychology called Transpersonal Psychology and has been involved in “Consciousness Studies” at several state universities as well as the faculty Institute of Noetic Sciences” in California. (Noetic Science is a science exploring the frontiers of consciousness) Tart is considered by some, to be one of the foremost researchers on “states of consciousness.” He studies psychic abilities, (E.S.P.) mystical states of awareness, mind-matter interaction phenomena, martial arts, and out of the body experiences.(O.B.E.)

His home page notes that he has been “involved with research and theory in the fields of Hypnosis, Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, Parapsychology, Consciousness and Mindfulness since 1963.” In addition to his research, he has authored several books and articles, some which have been published in “prestigious scientific journals such as Science and Nature.” Tart also says his primary goal is to” build bridges between the scientific and spiritual communities and to help bring about a refinement and integration of Western and Eastern approaches for knowing the world and for personal and social growth.”

Having watched him on you tube and visited his blog, I would say he is a nice man, enthusiastic and inquisitive too, a man looking for answers to the ultimate questions of life in things that are of interest to him, like how the mind works, and altered states of consciousness , E.S.P. and O.B.E. He is so enthusiastic about  experimenting with the occult and psycodelic drugs that he even publically endorses more experimentation and even advocates their "disciplined use."  Curiously enough, what Tart really seems to want to know is more than how the mind works,(though he obviously has formulated a lot of ideas about this in his own mind.) What Tart really wants to do is "survive" and he thinks occult spirituality mixed with "science" will assist him in finding answers. 

According to the Ensalen Center where Tart teaches in conferences on the subject of "Surviving Bodily Death,"  "From Tart’s perspective, science is hallmarked by the unwavering commitment to the truth regardless of preference, while Buddhism is interested in what is useful for ending suffering and attaining enlightenment. Therein lies the nobility of the objective scientific quest to empirically investigate the survival of bodily death."

Tart is currently working in collaboration with other scientists from universities all over the world discussing and researching  trans personal psychology, a new branch of science that he hopes will give humanity the answer to the question of whether we (humans) survive bodily death in some form.  He hosts a journal, The Archives of Scientists Transcendent Experiences (TASTE) where other scientists interested in the spiritual can contribute information regarding spiritual experiences they themselves have had, but you have to be a "scientist" to contribute to their scintific study of transpersonal psychology.   . 

In the study of what happens after death, scientific knowledge, if it is truely scientific should include both descriptions of what happens when one dies and and explanations of why it happens. Science is scince because the scientific method is reliable and repeatable, but the problem with testing death is that it is appoint once for man to die, death, it's not something that can be repeated and retested. In fact, it is very rare that one will die and be raised again to life.

This has been done only one time in human history... Jesus Christ rose from the dead. He is the answer.

Miraculously this event of JEsus's death and resurrection was forth-told in writing before it ever happened and in fact is still something may people believe and celebrate even yet today.  My advice to people like Tart who dabble in darkness, who are toying with death, is repent of your occult practices, call on the name of Jesus and "TASTE and see, that the Lord is good."... (Psalm 34:8  ) Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ ans you will be saved!  REmember, God and the things of God are very good, in fact, sweet, "sweeter than honey and the honey comb." ( Psalm 19:10)

Our human  journey here on earth in this precious life we have been given is simply justice being served and grace being given.  We will die.  But by believing God and receiving Christ as savior, we will live, forever... yes, like Jesus we will be raised from death to life and be invited to return to God and live again in the heavenly realms. not because we know all there is to know, not because we are so smart and hold degrees and not because of anything we could do or give to God who gave us lie, but simply because we heard the truth and we believed. 

Blessed is the man who has faith in Him. (Psalm 34:8  )

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