World Class Christians

This is another post referencing Rick Warren and his many teachings.

Becoming a World Class Christian by Rick Warren, (May 2003,) is one of many articles written by Rick that says there are two kinds of Christians in the world.  That is,  besides "healthy" or "unhealthy"- his usual two options for a Christian or church or a pastor.  He says, a Christian can either be “world class,” or “worldly.”  He also did a radio segment called “One Minute with Rick Warren” that aired on many a Christian Radio, proudly announcing too that it was sponsored by the Moody Bible Institute.  Here too, he asks the question of listening Christians, "World-Class or Worldly? Which one are you?"

It probably goes without saying that most Christians know being "worldly" is NOT the thing a Christian is supposed to be and knowing this, the most desirable option between the two choices to pick is "world class."  Few would not think to themselves, "I want to be a world-class Christian... I want to be the best Christian I can be!"  Few.

"World class" denotes something of the highest caliber, such as a world-class figure skaters, or a world-class heavyweight champion.  It usually refers to someone brilliant, even someone "your greatest opponent" would respect.  Should be a pretty easy answer for most of us, because we know being worldly would not be right, and we would rightly gravitate one direction over the other between the two.  "World class Christian,"-- if I do not already bear that title or label, is...kinda like that old commercial for Oscar Meyer,  ....It " is really what I want to be..e.. e....." 

Like a magician, Rick has simply waved the magic wand.... and the rabbit popped right out... a white rabbit too... (The good one, the one that you would expect...)  Very few even notice that with masterful slight of hand, or is it mouth, Christianity has just been divided as they pick what they want to be.  Christians in his audience who are  not on board being his newly defined "world-class," the white rabbit he just pulled out of his hat, must be the "other" kind... worldly, which are those who are self centered, not "others-centered" or "serving"anyone but themselves.  (Aka, unhealthy.)  After all, there are only two kinds of Christians in the world; and they are either, this or that.... and if they are not this lovely white rabbit here, they must be that; (and THAT... is bad.)

Christians have read their Bible... they have learned, (hopefully, their doctrine and practices) from the bible, from the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Word of God.... and they know that being labeled as "worldly" is something a Christian does not want to be.  Rick is quite certain that upon hearing him, they will all happily choose the one he wants them to, and wear the new and improved Christian label,(World Class) with great pride. Many do.  They now are not longer merely Christians, not like all those others who think only of themselves... no they are suddenly something more, moe significant than that.  They are "world-class."

It's quite amazing, really....  One Minute you are a Christian, do your best, reading your Bible, intent on loving the Lord with all you heart, mind and strength, loving your neighbor as yourself, and seeking God's approval, not the worlds and the next, you a putty in Warren's hands, reading his books, doing his programs, hoping to find out what on Earth you have been born for besides sitting in a church pew and learning doctrine.  The next thing you know, you're buying Warren's book, disciovering things the Bible never told you.  Wondering what your "shape" for ministry is, and instead of regular Bible study through something like the book of Daniel, you are working through six weeks of Purpose, six weeks of Community and then six weeks more learning how to implement Rick Warren's global plan to slay the five evil giants in the world by implementing P.E.A.C.E. from your own home town.

Five purposes, 40 days, seven secrets, 12 steps...he uses ever number in the book, except for 1...(one way for everyone to go if they want to be saved from sin and death) as he convinces Christians on this planet that they are lost, that the hands and feet of the body of Christ is amputated and all that’s left is  a big mouth... preaching all the time.... known more for what we are against, than what we are for.  Unhealthy, and so are pastors who preach in season and out of season.... that is if they do not listen to the expert, who knows everything... which, of course, is him.

It is quite sad.

He is teaching "World Class Christians new things... new ways to be a Christian, including learning new things to do as believers in Christ, like how to practice praying breath prayers.  He is busy reviving old practices like lectio divina too.  (See: Day 5, Week Thirty Eight, 40 Days of Purpose, "The Great Commission is My Commission.) He will even suggest your church members be required to tithe to the church, that they should be signing oaths and covenants in their congregations. Oaths and covenants, if they are anything like we have seen in biblical history, would be hard for anyone to actually "keep."

Is this because we can no longer trust one another as Christians to simply do what the word says, not because we have to, but because we simply do... can we no longer simply let our yes be yes and our no be no?  What changed?  And these revived, old practices like "breath prayers" and "lectio divina" are these suddenly some kind of essential ingredients to living the Christian life?  You know, that "unhealthy," Christian church that Rick Warren speaks of with contempt, is... in his opinion, unhealthy because they do not do these things he teaches them to do, and because they believe myths about prayer and preaching, like "that all you need is prayer and dedication to grow a healthy church."  Warren teaches healthier world class Christians to practice breath prayer and lectio divina, but fails to mention that there are not instructions to do them anywhere in the bible, excpet for maybe that part about vain surreptitious prayer.(Matthew 6:7)

Doing all these things, makes the church no longer operate as a place of friendship with the Lord and one another, but a business, or a huge stage production.  Church relationships become hierarchical in nature, denominations blend into something unidentifiable as "Christian" and everyone runs around martha-like.  Converts are made, not recieved and then they are locked into relationships via contract.  Church is become a market place... where men market their products, ideas, and talents hoping they will be Christian celebrities for all the things they do...people gather, not for prayer but to fulfill a religious duty or to fill a coffee cup... study the lastest, greatest, "New York Times best selling 'Christian' book...  and unearth new creative ways to convince the world that the "local church" anyone you like... the one you are most comfortable in, is a great place to belong, discover who you really are, even find your purpose and your shape... and make new friends. 

Rick Warren wants to be the catalyst for change.  He want to help Christians unify and work together, teach them that they were made to serve the world and realize they are part of a "global culture."

He tells Christians,most of the world already thinks globally, (inferring that it's just the rest who do not that, who lag behind,) and he infers that becoming a "World Class Christian" involves  developing this "global thinking", and this because  "God is a global God,"

"You will be either a world-class Christian or a worldly Christian...." (says Rick in the Purpose Driven Life, Pg 297, and it's repeated elsewhere in a lot of his materials too.) Here is how to know one from the other: (source:  Purpose Driven Life Daily Devotion ; Your Commission by Rick Warren, 7/1/2007)

"Worldly Christians look to God primarily for personal fulfillment. They are saved, but self-centered. They attend concerts and enrichment seminars, but you’ll rarely find them at a missions conference because they aren’t interested. Their prayers focus on their own needs, blessings, and happiness. It’s a “me-first” faith: How can God make my life more comfortable? They want to use God for their purposes -- instead of being used for his purposes.

World-class Christians,
in contrast, know they’re saved to serve and made for a mission. They’re eager to receive a personal assignment and excited about the privilege of being used by God. World-class Christians are the only fully alive people on the planet. Their joy, confidence, and enthusiasm are contagious because they know they’re making a difference. They wake up each morning expecting God to work through them in fresh ways. "

Which one do you want to be?  Which one are you?   And does it even matter?... after all, according to Rick, they both "are saved?" (just .... never mind for just one minute that he neglects the very words of Jesus that suggest "not everyone who says Lord, Lord, to him, will be "saved." Quick!  You have one minute here to decide.  Which are you?)

"World Class or Worldly?"

How about just "Christian?"  How about simply putting your faith in JEsus Christ, in what he said and what he did, and following, not Rick Warren or anyone else, just Jesus Christ ands those who give testimony to Him?

The accolades and the approval of the world, (having everyone be in love with YOU)  is not the goal of the Bible believing, Spirit filled Christian.  Rather it is loving God, because he love us.  It is in being devoted to serving God, not the world, with all our heart and mind and strength, and loving others as we love ourselves...  being a light in the darkness, being a testimony to Jesus Christ... believing His promises and trusting in his Word, hearing and obeying his word, and pleasing God, not men by our actions in the world.

If you want the world's approval... to be like everybody else, to  listen to the wisdom of this man named Rick, think again...
Jesus said, "I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. (John 15:9)
See also: John 17: 9; John 17:14,16; John 1:10 ; John 15:14,15)

If you are a pastor or a true believer, they might even label you, "unhealthy," or maybe "evil"... and "uneducated".... thinking only of yourself because you are busy managing your own affairs at home or work, not quite as busy as they are,  or because you shun a relationship with a forming group.

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