Neanderthal Man (Pt. 1)

Neanderthal man, (or Neanderthal, as some spell it,) is a word that easily conjures up images of slouchy, cave dwelling hominid creatures. We tend to think of the word as describing a being that is barely intelligent, has a primitive personality of a brutish nature, and grunt like a pig to communicate instead of using words. This is because we have heard of Neanderthal as adherents to Darwin’s theory of Evolution promoted the concept that “Neanderthal’ man, though he was definitely a human (aka “man,” ) was somehow an ancient link between man and ape. We tend to think of Neanderthal as a prehistoric, and rather inferior subspecies, particularly as compared to the more "highly evolved" Homo Sapiens, (wise human beings,) that we consider ourselves to be.

Scientists who believe in the evolution of man, (not the special creation of God,) teach their young that man can claim his origin to be a sort of primordial soup, making human beings nothing more, or less than a by- product of amoeba that was produced via some cosmic explosion, one that came about by accident in the middle of nothing in this vast thing called space. Evolutionists don’t claim to know exactly what it was that happened, or how, but they believe that when this event they often refer to as the Big Bang occurred (somewhere in space and time,) the universe was formed and all the necessary stuff for life (aka primordial soup) was ready to cook up some life forms to live on planet earth.

The suggested concept is that this soup, full of amino acids, then gave rise to life in the form of bacteria, which changed (a.k.a. evolved) into fish, which changed, and grew legs or wings and crawled out of the sea or flew up into the sky giving us spiders and lizards and fish and birds. Then due to even more supposedly random developmental changes (and earth shattering violence of meat eating entities and natural disasters) that took place over time between numerous organisms and even groups of organisms… ape appeared and then, by more shear accident, (or was it a stroke of good luck,) man emerged. They believe that over billions of years, the stuff of life, (amino acids) evolved into animals, plants and the human beings we are today.

This theory of how things became what they are, how life evolved upon the earth is a construct of possibility, a way of looking at origins and an idea to rationalize what we see and know as we seek to discover who we humans are and why things are what we see, but it’s not a provable scientific fact. Besides that, many scientists who believe in this construct of evolution would not profess to even remotely believe in “God,” but as a thinking being, man has the ability to ask questions, and an inner curiosity that drives him to find answers, even if they have no relation to something we call God.

If a person doesn’t like the answer to life’s beginning, to be “God,” then this progression of life evolving from fish to animal and bird, to ape, and ape to man, can seem quite reasonable as certainly man had to originally come from somewhere, before his mother, and before his mother's mother. But where? If you can figure it all out, and come to some logical conclusion, something that requires education, people will think you to be quit smart, and there inclination in man to be thought of as “smart” by other “smart” human beings, and so there’s a large segment of humanity that now believes that life on earth came about as a mere product of some unidentifiable, random, process called Evolution.

"Survival of the fittest," they say, believing that man today has evolved, developed into a powerful being. He can do anything he desires after all he has technology which he himself created and can rule over other men and even rule the world. By believing in himself, believing in humanity as a whole and developing more technology, man has power... power to rule and shape the world as he sees ‘good.’ His name is Homo Sapien.

Powerful Homo Sapien has looked at the fossil remains of Neanderthal man, and given all of the evidence great and deliberate thought. He has pieced together his story and written it down for all to understand, or rather stand under, with awe and reverence for the incredible wisdom that can figure out such things.

Just by sheer human intelligence we who are educated about such things know that poor Neanderthal was not at all like us Homo Sapiens, (obviously the more desirable, more favored species.) As you can see, (that is, if you are wise enough to see this of course,) without a doubt he is a completely different creature. Neanderthal is not like us humans at all.

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