
"Who can I believe in
I'm kneeling on the floor
There has to be a force who do I phone
The stars are out and shinning, but all I really want to know...
Oh won't you show me the way
I want you ...show me the way" 

Peter Frampton sang the song, "Show me the Way."  You might say he was looking for someone (or something,)  to show him the way to go.  Maybe he was looking for the way to God?  Where wa he hoping to go?  It's hard to tell for sure.

Wayshowers, as the name implies, are those personalities here on the planet who have the magnanimous ability to “show” the rest of us “the way.” And you’ll be impressed to know that they are here to announce to us all that they are indeed “wayshowers,” (not way-pushers or way-draggers.)

There are many people who impress others with the idea that they have some secret wisdom or knowledge and that they should be followed and listened to by the crowds. As leaders, they do not intend to do anything except show you the way that you should go.. usually to "find God." One amazing thing about these fantastic teachers (a-hem) is that everything else, including whether you get there or not, is your hand, your ability to get to the answer to everything in the universes, according to them, is completely up to...none other than you.

They put forth an image of themselves as masters and leaders, people of special ability and talent who deserve to rule and reign by virtue of being elite spiritual trainers, guides, directors, lightworkers, etc. Some even make claim both outwardly and implied that they are in fact, “God.” And then, they simply tell their follower they can only show the way, but that is al they can do, the rest is up to them.  They say, everyone needs to be responsible for their own choices, figure the way to go for himself or herself. There are so many leaders and wayshowers, guides, coaches, and spiritual directors, that there are rarely any “followers” to be found. 

 Jesus said he was the Way… and never thought himself simply a “wayshower.” one that was not willing to do himself exactly what he suggested others do.  Not only that, he never said, "lbe sure to lead others, have them follow you..."  He simply did what he did, did what he had to do, and said,  "follow me."

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