Quantum Leap

What is a quantum leap? This is a most interesting term, for while the term "quantum" refers to the smallest realizable unit of anything, like “a photon of light;” a "quantum leap," according to the Hutchinson Encyclopaedia, is a term often used to denote "a sudden dramatic increase or advance." The term implies a very large movement which is actually relatively small.  A "quantum leap" is the idea that moving something seemingly small and insignificant can make a big difference.

The dictionary gives the old adage about the straw that broke the camel’s back as an example of a ‘quantum leap,’ saying that the 'last straw,' (however seemingly insignificant, however light and fluffy by usual standards,) actually made all the difference in the world to that camel. Point being that in the minuscule worlds of matter, in engineering and science, everything little, every ounce of matter, matters; and if one very teeny tiny thing is in or out of place, it can make all the difference in the world for the whole system of things.

Contrary to what most people have learned the world of atoms in primary, and maybe even secondary school, the “quantum model of the atom is much more complex” than the over-simplified, "traditional model" that presented in our textbooks.  Some of us hang our hats on knowing the simple concept of the proton, neutron and electron… and how the electron and proton orbit the neutron, but quantum sciences today unravel things much deeper.  In fact, what we think we know and believe about atoms is oversimplified and probably wrong.

According to Jim Tucek, an enthusiastic student of science on the Internet, not everyone can understand quantum theories, complex mathematics is needed in order to understand the “blurred clouds of probabilities around the nucleus” of an atom. In these quantum realms where scientists, like Tucek work and think within these minuscule realms of subatomic particles of what is thought of “organized chaos,” one must take everything into account and be able to find and work with the statistical probability of the location of a moving electron at an expected, given moment in time.

Creation believing scientists look at these minuscule things and marvel at God’s wisdom at keeping such chaos in perfect order; meanwhile evolutionists’ marvel at how such order comes from nothing but incredible chaos. Meanwhile, all scientifically minded, thinking, reasoning, inquisitive intellectuals move forward in time, counting the particles, unraveling the secrets of the universe like a ball of string; all hoping to see, to understand, maybe even to prove once and for all, who and what man is and discover what is at the end, (or is it the beginning) of the proverbial string.

Ahhh, the string. 

  Enter the “string field theory,” and the "grand unified theory," conceptual scientific theories that attempt, believe it or not, to link all things together as "one." Such theories however are not always spiritual or spiritually minded, for some scientists do not acknowledge or may not realize that such a wonderful being known as God even exists. Others do believe in the spiritual nature of life, but not always are these spiritual theories "Christian."

Christians recognize God’s marvelous scarlet thread is woven through all of life... throughout all time and space, they know this singular thread of God's love and redemption is his love, the very thing that holds the universe together…but they are few and far between it seems. Meanwhile, high minded, supposedly "scientific" man, is unraveling the universe around him, examining what is there refusing to believe in God or to believe he is accountable to anyone or anything but himself.. Unraveling the string he builds his own conceptual idea of the "whys" and "hows" of it all, rarely, if ever giving consideration that all this time "God" is in control.

No, some do not believe things were created and are unraveling, falling apart over time; they believe things are getting better and better rising up out of chaos, all by itself, maybe even due to their own ingenious plans.  In The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries in Nature's Creative Ability to Order the Universe (1988) by the Templeton Laureate, Paul Davies, Davie explains that from his point of view, as a scientist, the universe is developing an essential, unfolding pattern and order. He suggests it is not going from order to disorder but the other way around.

Davies says that virtual particles can and do ‘pop” into existence from nothingness, and that this takes place through something known in scientific circles as “quantum tunneling.” In fact, he suggests that this is the manner in which the whole universe originally popped into existence. (Pg. 141)  While saying things move from disorder to order, Davies also suggests, that in the future, (upon the universe's demise,) mankind might scramble into a new universe of their own manufacture based upon these quantum understandings and scientific discoveries. But Dacvies is not alone. Alan Guth, professor of Physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (MIT) also believes there is a possibility that a new universe could be created through the discoveries we are making in “quantum tunneling."

En.Wikipedia reports that Guth says, it would be dangerous, (It's apparently dangerous to actually create another universe...) since it would result in what would be the equivalent of a 500 kiloton explosion. But it's relatively simple to create a universe.  All one needs is one ounce, ( a seemingly quantum amount) of high energy and false vacuum. Guth speculates that once false vacuum exists, the evolution of the universe is independent of what came before and says that it would take only 10-37 seconds for such a universe to disconnect from it’s parent universe.

It's quite amazing really, to see how we have moved so far beyond the standard models of perceived reality, into things few, usually only the most highly educated by the standards of the world can even see, things which must simply be taken on faith by the rest of us.  The textbooks are wrong or incomplete, so whatever we think we know, we don;t but don;t worry, there are people, giants among us, willing to let us know how things REALLY are.

Science, Religion, Politics, even Economics is all being redefined for us by the experts.  We hear about the Grand Unified Theory and the interconnectedness of all things, we heard about New Physics, NEw Math and the New Age, we encounter the New Spirituality that is emerging, showing us new ways to be human, promising to take humanity on a quantum leap.... a leap that weioll land them... where?

Into a new universe?

Fred A. Wolf, dubbed by some to be “a new hero of modern science,” wrote the book titled, Taking the Quantum Leap: The New Physics for Non-Scientists.(1989) While the product description says that the book “entertainingly traces the history of physics from the observations of the early Greeks through the discoveries of Galileo and Newton to the dazzling theories of such scientists as Planck, Einstein, Bohr, and Bohm., it neglects to say that Wolf guides the reader through all of this to ultimately explain that the human mind becomes the shaper of the universe and each of us is "god.”. They call it, the New Physics.

Wolf, not a Christian, was also featured in a film called, What the Bleep Do We Know: Down the Rabbit Hole (2004) a film that attempted to help the average person understand not only Quantum Physics but also the New Age way of viewing the world.  Fred Wolf, also made a film called Ups and Downs in San Francisco, a film exploring the Jewish Mysticism religion of self-mastery known as Kabbalah.

In Ups and Downs, Wolf remarked to colleague Jerry Satinover, “I don't give a da** about top scientists or the scientific establishment at all, I …I don’t care what they think, all I care about is saying what I have to say and I will say it…. What I care about is changing and transforming this planet that we're on - and I believe we have to introduce new thinking. And if it turns out that it's scientifically total garbage I don't give a flying ****(bleep!) It makes no difference to me, because science has little credibility as the only way of seeing the world. It's only one very narrow very limited way.”

The truth comes out once again.  People like Wolf, don't care what is true ot not, they simply want to make up their own reality and then promote, project and  proliferate their own ideas. Not only that, but any truly scientific thinker who looks at reality and tests to see what it is really mad of, or not, is now labeled, what "Christians" used to be: "narrow-minded." 

The New Age way of thinking (without the truth of God) is like having a dot to dot picture to figure out, but instead of following the number system, you make up your own; you simply connect them the way you want to imagine them to be connected. Spiritual man, outside of God’s revealed understanding, will be ever learning and unable to come to the truth. He will only mix natural thought and instincts with every false religion. The end result will not be the picture it was intended to be.

To trust in something that is not what it was intended to be in the first place is a lot like getting aboard a faulty airplane. Faulty theology, like faulty science can builds a faulty plane, bring disastrous results. In the end, the proverbial “leap of faith” it takes to believe in God, (or not,) may be merely the quantitative size of a mustard seed, but what you actually put your faith in can make all the difference in the world.

The thing to remember is “the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse.” There are some interesting dot-to-cot pictures being made for our eyes to see, some very fascinating observations people have made about life the universe and everything that exists within in, even the intricacies of it all, speculations about what or who holds it all together and how it all began.

The ultimate questions is, which one do YOU believe in, for "faith, the size of a mustard seed, can move mountains after all. In fact, you can take a quantum leap.

"And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." (Matthew 17:20)

"I will ascend!"

I will ascend” is what scripture says Satan declared in Isaiah 14. He said, “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”

Matthew Henry, (1662-1714) a Presbyterian minister and bible scholar says in his commentary on this portion of scripture, that “ it is gracious ambition to covet to be like the Most Holy, for he has said, ‘Be ye holy, for I am holy;’ but it is sinful ambition to aim to be like the Most High, for he has said, ‘He who exalts himself shall be abased.’”

A Brief History of Archimedes

Archimedes (287-212 BC) is considered to be one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, mathematician that ever lived. He was a curious and inquisitive man, described as a discoverer, a math hound, and an inventor of many things. His list of discoveries include that of the practical use of a lever.

Archimedes is also credited with being the first to explore the concepts of why boats float, and it is said that Archimedes is the one who recorded the principal for all posterity after observing it first hand in his own bath tub.


Jesus is that famous man from Bible times everyone likes to quote and talk about. He is that guy with the significant name, the one everyone wants to lay claim to. Do you remember hearing about him?


He is that man who went around the countryside teaching great truths of a spiritual nature everywhere he went, healing the sick, raising the dead to life, and forgiving sins, collecting followers... disciples they were called, those who whould hear what he had to say. You remember their message too, don't you, That Jesus is God in the flesh, come from heaven to the earth to rule and reign in righteousness, come to seek and save the lost and redeem sinful man.

Unfortunately for Jesus, the religious leaders of his day didn’t approve of his message: that they were in sin. Thinking themselves more highly than they ought, they got tired of having to think about this man and thinking that they were somehow flawed in their own understanding. It made them sick to think that this man who actually made lame men walk, made blind men see and deaf to hear as well as raise the dead might, somehow, be right, or that he might have had more God qualities than they were able to maintain and display themselves. Besides, they had their own religious ideas that they wanted to believe in and they were sure, they, whatever and whoever THEY were, were not wrong... Most impotantly, THEY wanted to be right.

The solution THEY came up with was simple: silence the problem.

The first step in silencing him was flogging, then came public humiliation via crucifixion. They reckoned no one would follow Jesus to the cross.

It was all done legally of course, and with the sanction of Ceasar himself as well as the concent of all the people... the mob of people rallying in the streets, looking for something exciting to happen... those who loved that man Barnabas too. Jesus was a nuisance, a misfit, a looser, a nobody... just another face in the crowd; and it didn't matter who was guilty or not; all that mattered was that someone took the heat. All that mettered was that the peoplewould see that justice was being served, and that the one the people trusted in, Ceasar, was in control.

It was a silent night after that. Even those who thought all that Jesus said was true, who believed this man might be from God, were too afraid to get involved. Even they remained silent. The whole world was silent and the problem was relegated to silence forever when Jesus died that day.

Done with the dirty work, they went about celebrating thier newfound freedom from his menance in their life, and their all important religious holiday, the Passover. THEY never expected that IT would really happen... you know that Jesus would be raised from death to life as he had said.

They killed him sure. He was stiff as a board when they put him behing that rock and set guards about to be sure no one could steal away his body and start trouble. But to their dismay, Jesus who they crucified raised from the dead on the third day according to the scriptures, just he and the prophets of God before him had forthtold. Once this took place tthe followers of Jesus couldn’t be silenced on the issue. It was too joyous an event, and they had a lot to say. Remarkably, these remained convinced even under intense persecution that would attempt to silence them as well. Some were even crucified like Jesus.

It seems that this Jesus guy really made an impact on the world. He made such an impact. he is still talked about today. He made such an impact that there is a plethora of ideas about who this guy, Jesus, really is and isn't.

People have a lot of ideas and they want others to latch on to those ideas with them. Some people will tell you that Jesus traveled East to Egypt to to study under gurus and learn magic arts so as to do miracles and attain "self-realization." They clain this is how he came to actually believe that He wa God.

Joseph Smith had his own ideas about Jesus... called them More man...and Bringham Young of the Mormons even added to his ideas saying, “.. remember from this time forth, and for ever, that Jesus Christ was not begotten by the Holy Ghost.” (Journal of Discourse, Vol. 1, page 51.)

Muslims will talk about Esau, the son of Mary, who was married to Joseph…(just like Jesus of the Bible,) but this Jesus is only "one of many" prophets of God.. They do believe that he was raised to heaven and is there, they do believe that he will descend at the appointed time, end all wars, and bring peace to the world, but they also do believe that Jesus was never crucified and never raised from the dead. Surah Nisaa, Verse 157-158 translates, “And surely they slew him not. But Allah (God) raised him unto Himself.”

There’s the Seventh Day Adventist Jesus, about whom their prophet, Ellen White, teaches is not God in flesh, but rather that he is a created being.. Michael the archangel, and there’s the Jehovah Witnesses who are witnesses to Jehovah God, but not to Jesus CHrist, his only begotten sons... who is one in being with the father.. God from God, Light from True Light... The Jesus they believe in is fully human, but cannot be worshiped... because he is not also "fully" nor truely God in human form.

These concepts of Jesus, are only a few of the many notions about this man named Jesus. They are notions men created all themselves and cling to because they want to be, as they claim, “Christian,” or have some afiliation with it, because it is the truth. Yet they do not want to sumbit completely unto truth and believe the truth, that JEsus Christ is Lord.

They want their own beliefs, thier own goodness, rightesousness and self worth, even their preferred religion. Often, Jesus, by any definition, works for them, because "Jesus" is decidedly important.

It is no wonder that Jesus Christ of the Christian scriptures is recorded as having asked his disciple Peter, “Who do you say that I am?” Everyone has a different idea. Apparently he asked this question of one of his closest friends, one who would need to know the truth and be restored in his repentence, because who or what a person believes about Jesus is of importance. It is important to Jesus.

With such talk of "Jesus" everywhere like this, talked about by nearly every religion, knowing Jesus, (who Jesus is and isn’t, understanding his character and doctrine) is even more important than merely saying you are somehow in the in the know, just because you know his name... and heard what happened and how he went about teaching people all sorts of spiritual truths to live by. After all, people do say all sorts of things.

As for who is right and who is wrong about the issue of Jesus… if anyone lacks wisdom on the matter, they should ask of God. They should do so believing in God, without doubting that God is real and God is God, for He gives generously to all who ask, and like a true God of wisdom and love, mercy and grace and truth, he does so, even unto sinners like us, without finding fault. (James 1:5)

Neale Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch publishes books that he claims contain the new revelation of God and what God now has to say to the world. Walsch, who began his career being angry at God, at a point in his life where depression set in and he was in a lot of turmoil.

Neale says that he began asking God all sorts of religious and philosophical questions, like, "What does it take for me to have my life work? and What have I done to deserve a life of such continuing struggle? and Somebody tell me the rules
, because I’ll play if you’ll just tell me the rules!" He says that that is when he heard what was an audible voice speaking to him giving him answers to those very things and it has happened ever since.

Neale claims that these channeled conversations and answers are what became his books, Conversations with God, and that he is delighted to deliever, from "God" these new messages to the world.

In addition to book writing, Walsch is active in a group called, “Humanity’s Team,” (http://www.humanitysteam.org/)self-described as, a “bridge-building organization that seeks to produce a climate in which humanity can create an emancipating New Spirituality.” Their own description continues, “Gone will be the requirements, judgments and punishments now attributed to God. Gone too will be the perennial cycle of conflict and violence on Earth, which we at Humanity's Team® think is based on a misbelief that God practices, and therefore approves of and encourages, such conduct.”

And as if that is not enough, (Conversations with God, and Humanities team,) Walsch works with friends, Bernie Seigle, Matthew Fox, Bruce Chilton, and Master Young Hee promoting the his new school. Founded in 2002 as The Heartlight Education, it was renamed in March 2003 as The School of the New Spirituality. The school’s mission is “ReCreating the World Anew,” and is centered on promoting what they call common truth: “We Are One and We are Love, Joy and Wisdom in Human Form.”

Walsch's idea of 'New Spirituality' is defined as “a way of honoring our natural impulse toward the Divine without making others wrong for the way in which they are doing it.” He ignores what the Bible says about man'snatural impulses. In doing so, Walschs as created a sort of ersats Christianity... whereby on one hand he says that there is no such thing as “evil,” (they are merely illusions) and then,to those who have a notion that he might be wrong, but still believe in God, he gives them the instruction, direct from "God," to “forgive his own sins.” As a thinking reasoning human beings, is it not your natural implse to ask, how one can “forgive” a mere “illusion” – one Walsche says, does not even exist. Why forgive sin when the cross of Christ is considered mere foolishness? His "new" revelation is, "you cannot die and will never be condemned to eternal damnation." (The New Revelations, pg 329)

Besides his own websites: cwg.com; thegroupof1000.com; ConversationswithGod.org; and nealedonaldwlasch.com, Neale Walsch’s entrepreneurial spirit can be found in his wide range of Internet organizations and "outreaches." These include several ever-changing “non-profit” “peace and harmony promoting” foundations, a prison ministry, a homeless ministry, a “Whole Wellness” program, an "outreach" “to the world's gay and lesbian community,” an "outreach" to the world's teen population, as well as spiritual growth workshops and retreats. Walsch also owns Conversations With God Resources, (CWGR) a “for-profit company dedicated to spreading the message of the CWG books around the world” and Millennium Legacies, Inc., a communications company which operates Walsch Music and Walsch Books, and as if that is not enough, Walsch is co founder, (with Dr. Seung Heun Lee, a.k.a. Ilchi Lee) of the New Millennium Peace Foundation and officiates as “coach” of Humanity’s Team, which he calls a “civil rights movement of the soul.”

Neale Donald Walsch, like many other "spirituality minded" people of today, doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ, or in the God of yesterday, and is getting wealthy as he inspires you to do the same, for a fee. He is not a minister of the gospel and he doesn't run a church, he runs a business selling books, journals, study guides, arm bracelets, CD’s, movies teaching materials and courses that you can purchase to study his books.

Walsche's ultimate goal, and the goal of the "God" he has conversations with is to make a fortune, get others on his bandwagon, and to help spiritualy minded people believe, not in God, but in themselves...as they come to reject completely the true and living God.

Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer is author and lecturer/teacher, whose specialty is teaching about having purpose and intention in your life. He has written 29 books, (including books for children,) has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. He is most often seen giving away his materials to people who will call in donations to the public television stations while actively promoting his idea that people create their own realities.

“Intention is not something you do but energy that you are a part of. We're all intended here through the invisible power of intention,” says the description of his “best selling” book, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way.

Shakti Gawain

Shakti Gawain is, some say, as a noted pioneer in the field of “personal growth” and “consciousness.” She is considered an expert in the field of creative visualization and has even written a book by that title, Creative Visualization." the book begins by saying, “Creative visualization is the technique of using the imagination to create what you want in your life.” Shakti Gawain has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show, Larry King, and even Good Morning America promoting her visionary spirituality and environmentalism.

Gawain once told Jeffery Mishlove Ph.D., in an interview that she believes that we need to face the challenge of creating “a world of form that's completely conscious of spirit." She put it this way, “- you know, where we're totally aware that we are spiritual beings, and that we are creating this physical world, and that we do it consciously and with joy.”

JZ Knight

JZ Knight (Judith Darlene Hampton) is lady who channels a 35,000-year old warrior and spiritual entity whom she calls her spiritual teacher. His name is Ramtha. In 1988 she founded Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment in Yelm, WA near Mt. Rainier which she calls, "The Quintessential School of the Mind." JZ, as she is called, says that Ramtha first spoke to her when she was using crystal pyramids, placeing them around her house, and on her head.

The male spirit named Ramtha speaks his own voice through the the mouth of the blonde woman. He essentially uses JZ’s body to speak and teach his, (or is it her?) students personally.He teaches those whp pay for seminars and classes to “experience their own personal truth, their own personal wisdom, and no longer rely on belief, faith, or someone else's word.” Students of Ramtha are taught that they are God, that they create their own reality and that eating the Twinkies can prolong your life.

Ramtha has several thousand followers and JZ has even traveled the world, giving seminars on how to obtain a “remarkable life” and create “fabulous wealth “ in your life as she did. Contemplate for a moment on how she did this.

How did JZ Knight be come famous? How did she make her little fortune? She made her fabuous wealth channeling Ramtha and selling the kinds of things that people want to hear... but, how does she do it? I mean, is this stuff, channeling this Ramtha spirit, this deep groowly voice speaking through her even real or is it faked?

According to an article by New Times Reporter Steve Diamond, Knight was studied by a panel of sixteen professors from formal institutions as the University of Oregon, Colgate, Chicago Theological Seminary, the California Institute of Integral Studies, University of London, Saybrook Institute (San Francisco), and the University of South Florida. Diamond says that their collectively learned opinion is that “Knight is not faking it, …she's not having multiple personality disorder.”

Well then, what is it? You might make a visit to Wikipedia if you want to find out more.

JZ, may have some unusual ideas to propagate in the minds of those who find her facinating, but as weird as her buisness is, it is not as obscure as some may think. In over thirty years of Ramtha she has been featured on many media resources, even had appearances on Larry King Live, both in 2006 and 2008, and been featured in Time Magazine, (Jan 26, 2007) In 2004, she released her own independent film called, “What the Bleep Do We Know? featuring, herself, teaching those who listen to Ramtha's wisdom new "scientific" ideas.


PBS stands for the Public Broadcasting System.


Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" or "circle.” The term, often heard and use in various types of healing practices and some kinds of massage therapy, is derived from both Hindu and Buddhist literature and as applied to the body it denotes what is believed to be oints of spiritual power or centers of energy within the body.

Those who use the term as a reference to the body for healing arts believe that there are seven chakras, or seven major designated centers (or points) of spiritual power, interesctions if you will, that can be opened, closed or congested. In addition to these seven major chakras, there are hundreds of minor ones. Chakras however are not part of the actual physical body, rather they are part of the spiritual, and manipulating them as well as accessing them, is a spiritual practice.

Aligned with the central nervous system of the body, chakras are said to serve to regulate the consciousness of the individual between the physical world and the spiritual. The opening and manipulation of these supernatural wheels of cosmic consciousness are considered “natural” because it does not involve the use of drugs or cutting of the flesh. Practitioners explain, and believe, that problems in these spiritual portals of energy show up in the physical body as disease, disturbances, or anxiety in a person's life. Some believe and teach that this energy force can be tapped into like a faucet and used for personal well-being or to acquire religious/spiritual advancement. The power that resides within these centers is reffered to as Kundalini, or simply "K." Some call it "Chi" or "Ki."

The Kundalini, lies dormant until aroused, and one must arouse and experience it, in order to gain the spiritual promises of enlightenment and blissful living it has to offer. Opening your chakras, however is something that takes your will to do so, and it is upon choosing to open them that one is open to the Kundalini flow.

Kundalini, the usually dormant but infinite energy of self-actualization, is not tame nor is it mild. In fact there are known and serious dangers and problems associated with it's “awakening” even by those who promote its use. They say that this is because awakening the Kundalini in a person involves a radical change in consciousness and Kundalini is unpredictable. Those curious to obtain the power of the kundalini, are often warned by instructors in these arts and practices, of duly respecting the powers that they tap into. “Respect it," (he kundalini,)... else "it will kick you to pieces,” www.kundalini-teacher.com warns. Kundalini, they say is serpent power.

If anything does go wrong as the chakras are opened and the Kundalini begins to flow out of control, it is blamed on every thing but the kundalini itself. Usually it is blamed on the less knowledgeable individual or even blamed to be some result of their karma. It’s just a risk you agree to take, and since you have been warned, it is rarely viewed as the fault of the healer, practitioner or guru. They will be certain to make disclaimers before coming to an agreement with you that tell you, “you alone are responsible” for what does or does not take place when you embark on such a spiritual endeavor.

From a biblical perspective, this concept of opening chakras so that this kundalini can flow freely within you is certainly notable not only because it is released by occult practices, but also because it was a serpent that offered Adam and Eve the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the tree from which they were told not to eat. Deceived by a lying snake, Eve sand Adam were doomed to experience the death God warned them eating the forbidden fruit would produce. The answer to their dilemma however was not more snake power, rather it was repentence and hearkening to God.

The serpentine Kundalini, and the promises it holds out to mankind, promises of health and self-actualization is quite different from a promise of eternal life and self denial and humility. Practices that promote this are antethetical to the bible.

Practices that open chakras to release the kundalini are nothing new, in fact they are nothing but an old repackaged lie, one that keeps people in bondage to sin against God and ultimately death, just as he has been destined for since the fall from Eden... which is the reason Jesus Christ came to Earth to seek and save those who were lost.

It's not the chakras that need to be opened to theserpentine kundalini, but the door to our hearts that must be opened to Jesus. It's ours to decide which one we let in, which spirit will come in and reside with us. Jesus himself, even said, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." Revlation, 3:20


Shirley MacLaine

Shirley MacLaine, is a well known actress performer, astrologer and “New Age” author of many books including Dancing In The Light; (1986) Dance While You Can, (1992) My Lucky Stars; (1996) The Camino, (2000) Out on a Leash, (2003) and Out on a Limb. (1986) and her latest, Sage-ing While Age-ing. (2007) In 1987 ABC produced a “special” five hour TV movie mini-series of her book, Out on a Limb, which she wrote as a testimony to her own life in the New Age. In the movie, she played the main character, who is, of course, essentially herself, because, Out On a Limb, is her story.

It is story of a woman who has an affair with a married man, and the tale of how it lead her on a spiritual trek around the world. In her experience she has a “spiritual awakening,” one which awakens her to better understanding spiritual mysteries like that of Atlantis, and pyramid power. She then gains insight into things like reincarnation, astral projection, and meets with trance channelers, even learns how to really communicate with space aliens. Most notable in the movie, as wll as with MacLaines own life is a scene on the beach where, with her spiritual teacher at her side and the ocean at her feet, Shirley announces her amazing new discovery that she is God. She announces this to the universe by yelling: “I am God! I am God!”

Some people dismiss the ideas popularized by teachers like Shirley MacLaine as ridiculous, outlandish, and far-fetched, but people like MacClain do believe and promte such things. Shirely is an intelligent person. She is attractive, witty, emotional and claims these are her experiences. If it is true then it is remarkable that an affair with a married man lead her into such spiritual adultery with God. Sadly, she does not even understand that she is in peril....
adultery, is unfaithfulness of heart and mind and bdy, and spiritual adultery is rejection of a faithful and loving God.

Shirely, in all her embracing of these occult practices is decieved by Satan, the father of lies and she is in spiritual peril because she has bought into the lies that reject God's truths... the concept of sin and the necessity of Jesus Christ for salvation. She may even think she is “out on a limb”and she may well be, but what is the fruit she is producing as she rejects the truth of God, embraces a spirituality that looks toward a great spiritual evolution on our planet.... a planet that has completely and formally embraced everything but the truth of God.

Yes, Shirley is out on a limb, but truth is, without connection to Jesus Christ, there is no life in a branch. (John 15: 1-7) Such a limb is doomed to be permanently removed from the tree.

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin is that guy who sailed in the HMS Beagle to the Galapagos and wrote a book titled, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. It's a long book title, shortened for ease to, " The Origin of Species."  The titles alone says a lot, but the book has spoken volumes and for centuries.  It has given people ideas regarding racism, religion and scientific study over the years.

The book, published in 1859, basically rocked the western world because it offered a whole "new and improved" systematic way of looking at the origin of man and the history of life on earth..  It was Darwin who gave the world terms like "species," and "survival of the fittest."  It was Darwin's work that became the calcified bedrock of something known as the Theory of Evolution.

Darwin is noted as the "father" of such evolutionary theory, which some people believed was a giant step for mankind in understanding what they could see with their own eyes and Darwin's work was "a miracle" for many.   His miracle,- giving the world a new way to reject God.  Darwin's book and his theories would rejct all the biblical foundations that had been laid for understanding human origins in Genesis, dead things like fossils, and random things like "change" were on display as a means of how life began; and the big picture of it all was no credit given to an unseen, living entity, called "God."

In Darwinian philosophy, everything could be thought of in the natural, and as such there would no longer be a need for crediting the divine hand of the biblical God in the act of creation.  Death... was just part of the normal natural process.... fossils being our example of life ending in nothing but death.  Out went the now deemed, "unscientific" bible, replaced with Darwins textbook on human origins.  Man was no longer considered anything more than an evolved ape.  Spacecraft Darwin had landed with a thump in the annuals of time, and it was a giant step for mankind, but unfortunately it was a giant step in the direction of dismissing belief in a supernatural and creator God, particularly in Christian America. It brought about a paradigm shift in thinking.

THe biblical tree of life, replaced with Darwin's diagram...Darwin gave us a new tree of life to look upon. In a time when slavery was embraced as a means of production, communities learned that man was not above the animals, he came down from the trees, tired apparently of monkeying around.  Being mere brute beasts, a neighbor was now no more valuable than a beast, nothing more than an animal with animalistic tendacies.... war, hates, survival of the fittest... became the name of the human game. Yes, thanks to Darwin, man could understand and teach his children too, that life on earth, all of life, was merely a product of chance and happenstance, that is... if  they would simply believe Darwin's highly sophisticated, long winded and  "scientific" conclusions. 

But Darwin was not the first person to come up with the notion of evolution, he was just one who got a lot of publicity when he came up with a grand schema and wrote a book that got a lot of attention in the media, and had it reproduced. It was as if his publication would become a lever of the mind.  If properly applied it had the potential to move mankind into what some considered higher thinking... after all, only the foolish believed in God, the foolish, the simple and the weak.  Those who were well "above average" and could understand this high minded "scientific" stuff, those who listened to all that the papers published, would have to agree that Darwin knew what he was talking about.  If you were smart like him, then you knew better than to believe the simplistic notion that Earth and all the life forms here began by the creative work of an entity known as God..

Two main philosophical camps arose in America, one made up of those who believed Darwin’s theory-- of how man had "evolved" from lower life forms, since the beginning of time,  and those who believed in God and that God created man from the dust of the earth (separate from the apes) and that he had his ancestry in coming from the first man and woman created at the beginning of human time.  These camps were polarized. Even to this day, the matter of origins remains controversial.  Evolution and how it could have happened if it did, to this day remains accepted as fact by some, disputed by some others, and this goes on dispite the fact that the theory has not been proven nor is it demonstrable.  evolutionary thought is like a religion, believed in by those who skirt religion and walk the path of unbelief laid out so "scientifically" for them by Charles Darwin.

But Darwin was not alone.  In 1998, a man named Ernst Mayr, (1904- 2005) a biologist from Harvard who was a  Professor and curator at the American Museum of Natural History, took Darwin’s thoughts on origins a step further when he published a book titled, “The Evolutionary Synthesis: Perspectives on the Unification of Biology."  Bewcause there were so many holes in Darwin's theory, Mayr attempted to give the world a more “modern version" of the "theory of evolution."

Mayr, categorized ways various branches of science use the theory of evolution.  He wrote about how he believed Darwin was correct and why.  In an interview at edge.org, Mayr is quoted saying, “Evolution is so clearly a fact that you need to be committed to something like a belief in the supernatural if you are at all in disagreement with evolution. It is a fact and we don't need to prove it anymore. Nonetheless we must explain why it happened and how it happens.” 

Has evolution been proven that it does not need to be proven any more?  It has never been proven.  There are those who say it has been proven, but it have not been proven.... just believed in.   Evolution says birds evolved from reptiles, but no fossil has ever been found of such an animal in transition. Evolutionists routinely scientifically study the highly organized cell and complicated strands of DNA and BELIEVE it all came about by random chance.

Mayr, convinced that there is no such thing as the supernatural, maybe even convinced that there is no such thing as God... is now like Darwin, like all the fossils that give us clues to life....buried under ground.   Mayr and friends my be convinced, they may want others to be convinced that they knew exactly what they were talking about, and that they were right and that people should listen to them....because they have this thing called life all figured out.  Some may follow Darwin and friends to the grave with Darwinian thinking, but others are not so quick to dismiss religion.  And then, there are those who follow Jesus, who himself was raised from death to life.  Jesus, unlike Darwin, was well acquainted with the concept of  an Almighty "God."

It seems to be mostly Bible believing Christians and orthodox Jews that are outspoken about their disagreements with these assertions made by presumed "atheists," but according to a National Geographic magazine, (Nov. 2004) Christians and Jews are not the only ones who take alarm at the theory of human evolution. Islamic creationists like author Harun Yahya, (a.k.a. Adnan Oktar,) considers the theory of evolution "nothing but a deception imposed on us by the dominators of the world system." (aka AMericans.)

The article also cites that Srila Prabhupada, of the Hare Krishna organization, saying that he believed that God created "the 8,400,000 species of life from the very beginning." It may seem that there are a lot of people believing "evolution" but in reality there are a lot more people who believe in some form of God and the supernatural.

Dismissing the supernatural and embracing evolutionary thought is at it's core, a matter of "faith." It is something you cannot see occur before your yes... something for which there is not proof or visible, repeatable process, scientifically speaking.  It is something you look at little tiny pieces of "evidence" for, and consequently believe without undeniable proof of the conclusions that are made,  and yet people put their hope and trust in it, much like a religion.

Evolution is such a religion that  Mayr, for example, is often referred to as an “apostle” of Darwin. In fact, in the same National Geographic article, a man, Philip D. Gingerich, a paleontologist, says that in the last 30 years of digging up and comparing fossil evidence, he has seen enough to be convinced that evolution is true and then he calls this work of proving "the truth" of evolution, a “spiritual experience.” (Spiritual?)  He adds, “The evidence is there. It's buried in the rocks of ages."

"Rock of Ages" (incidentally?)  is a well-known biblical reference to Jesus Christ. 

 These men, Mayr and Darwin,an all men like then in their thinking, work really hard to solve the mystery of life.  They want to prove themselves so right in their thinking.

Darwin's work in helping mankind find his roots, his beginnings... the ""Origin of Species" to be more exact, was to lay our for humanity the answer to who man was, and where he came from, how he got to be what he is today, to help man know where he was going.  That was in 1859!  But then, as now, his ideas are jut that, ideas, and his beliefs about human origins, a theory. Unfortunately it is a theory that has a beginning for man without God involved at all, and it leads one to a life where God's good wisdom and his miracuolus intervention is obscured by human  pride.

All mankind, even thoughtful, prestigeous, adventurous and fatherly men like Darwin, end up one day in the grave. Noe mastter how great they were, how much they knew, like fossils in the earth they will remain and turn to dust one day.   But hose who recieve, not reject, God and the one he sent, JEsus Christ, these will be saved, and raised to eternal life. 

Life, is a miracle indeed, and God the creator of life, gives both the wisdom of God, and  life.

Carl Sagan

Scientist Carl Sagan, Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences and director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University, was born to Jewish parents, Sam and Rachel Sagan. He grew up to be known as an expert astronomer and an atheist. His highly acclaimed television program Cosmos was one thing that gained him enough popularity to be a household world.

Each week, Americans from sea to shining sea, sat in their living rooms and learned the genesis of planet earth, Sagan style. Over and over he told us, that from the beginning of everything to where we are today on this planet took “billions of years.” This fame began for Sagan in 1980, but hasd since run out for Carl Sagan is now deceased. His words, “Billions of years ago,” are not soon forgotten. They remain etched in film (and in our memory banks) to be played over and over on PBS.

In addition to his TV series, Sagan founded the Planetary Society, a space interest group that searches the galaxy for other worlds and extraterrestrial life. He authored several books including, Cosmos (1985) The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence (1986) The Demon Haunted World: Science As A Candle in the Dark (1997) and Billions and Billions: Thoughts on Life and Death at the Brink of the Millennium (1998) and he is even said to said to have written works under the pseudonym “Mr. X”.

As a prolific writer with a message for the world about our beginnings and how there was no God, just "Science" Sagan also wrote and produced the 1985 science fiction movie, Contact, a fictional story orchestrated around the human search for and "contact" with extraterrestrial life. Throughout his life, Sagan hoped that perhaps there were civilizations out there, somewhere, anywhere besides our own that could help usmake sense of who were are. He always hoped we would discover them or at least that they would discover us.

Sagan's life’s work was devoted to astronomy and the promotion of "science" and this is reflected in the appreciate of the scientific community who funded the Carl Sagan Center for the Study of Life in the Cosmos, part of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute in California in his honor.

As a scientist, as an atheist scientist, Sagan marveled at the intricacy of the universe before his eyes. As a man of Jewish born decent he was known to remark negatively about religion, but this non-religious person did however begin his own writings in his book, Science, A Candle In The Dark with a biblical quote, from Isaiah 59:9. "We look for light, but all is darkness.”

He did see lots of stars in the heavens, billions of them and he loved knowing everything there was to know about them, yet Sagan refused all throughout his life to believe in God. Even so, before he died this man who was quite negative about religion, graciously said publiclly that he was grateful for people who had prayed for him.

George Lucas

George Lucas, author and filmmaker, is famous for the story and movie, Star Wars. He is also founder, and chairman of the George Lucas Foundation, a non-profit organization that works with school information systems and creates media for their use.

One such program is called Edutopia. Created by Lucas himself, the program is advertised to connect schools to technology. It’s advertised as a resource whereby “technology is employed to make schools more exciting and dynamic for everyone involved -- students work on real-world projects and consult with the best outside experts; teachers learn by tapping into the best people and practices in their field; and classrooms regularly connect with the rich resources of their communities and the world beyond."

The practice of letting businesses run how school is done has the potential to strip away childhood exploration of the natural world and personal thinking skills. Like cogs, or diodes they will be easy to replace, for they will simply learn to preform a certain function in a machine-like, money driven world.

There is advantage to the business that can use students for advertising, research and even political propaganda, which in itself is good reason for teachers and parents, not salesmen and CEO's, to determine what is taught and what is not inside of classrooms. More often than not, history is taking a back seat to math and science.

It is clear that businesses are willing to download a lot of money into this schools if they can because of the potential profit that comes with rocking all the little cradles of the world. A US News Education Summit was held in 2008 where a panel discussed the role of businesses in high school. Will Swope, corporate vice president and general manager of Intel's corporate affairs division was on that panel. He said the budget they pour into schools and education as a company is big and often it is serve serving. They are looking for and trying to develop people with the talent they need to "move the Earth forward."

"There is no question," he said, "...part of it is absolutely self-serving. If a strong math and science training makes it easier for us to do the kind of incredibly complicated research that we do, we can't move forward in our technology without very deep fundamental understanding of the kind of technologies and fundamental raw physics that drives this kind of capability."

There are a lot of wars going on, and they are not just out there somewhere in the stars. There is a battle for the mind... a battle for the heart and soul of human beings nd one of the major battlegrounds is school.


Ultreya is Spanish word that means “Onward!” or “Go Forth! “ It is an exclamation of camaraderie and excitement about the common future shared by those who attend friendship reunions of three-day Cursillo, Tres Dias and Walk to Emmaus movements, and while it refers to entering what they call the Fourth Day, it is also what the Friendship meetings themselves are called too.

Catholic, Episcopal, United Methodist all have their own versions of the same activity, the cursillo,which is a three day weekend encounter “with Christ.” (See "As the Rooster Crows" by me, or search google for Cursillo.) The graduates from these three-day weekends meet regularly in these reunions called Ultreyas and become involved in preparing and then hosting “cursillo” type weekends for other potential candidates in the future

Celestine Prophecy

The Celestine Prophecy, (1995) by James Redfield began as a self-published book that was eventually made into a movie. Considered to be a spiritual book, it is a story that reveals Nine Insights into a greater spirituality, discovered via Jame's own personal journey for insight into spiritual matters. It is written as what Redfield calls, "spiritual adventure parables."

Redfield’s webpage describes the Celestine Prophecy as "part Indiana Jones, part Scott Peck," so it is bound to be an exciting read, but more than excitement and adventure.. it is "spiritual" giving spiritual wisdom to the reader. Redfields webpage tells it's inquirer that "The Celestine Prophecy created a model for spiritual perception and actualization that resonated with millions of people and focused on the mysterious coincidences that occur in each of our lives.”

Through the books nine spiritual insights, comes the prediction of a worldwide awakening, an arising within all religious traditions... one that Redfield and friends believe will move humanity toward a deeper experience of "spirituality." Interestingly, the success Redfield has seen with this book has inspired him to write more books in order to get the spiritual secret of the “prophecy” out to the world.

Other books by Redfield include, The Tenth Insight: Holding on to the Vision (1998); The Purpose of Your Life: finding Your Place In the World Using Synchronicity, Intuition and Uncommon Sense,(1999) Expectant Universe (2001) The Secret of Shambala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight; (2001) God and the Evolving Universe, (2003)

Other insights have been devoloped over the years since...Redfield is currently worling on number twelve. But the latest endeavor of Redfieild is something called the Global Prayer Project that comes from the Eleventh Insight. Redfield teaches his followers that "prayer power is a field of intention, which moves out from us and can be extended and strengthened, especially when we connect with others in a common vision." Like many others who reject biblical Christianity, he believes that prayer power "is the power through which we hold the vision of a spiritual world and build the energy in ourselves and in others to make this vision a reality."

Yes the builders are building, but they are building something of their own vision, something they create themselves and this without the true and living God. In the end of the book, humans of earth use what has been learned in these parables, these adventures to raise their consciousness to a level where they become invisble. The entire human race become spiritual adepts who through thier spiritual insight and practices, disappear, or rather, move on to a higher plane of existence.

Intereting. You might conclude that it's a sort of "new age rapture."

A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles, (ACIM) was occultically inspired. It was put into written form by two psychologists, Dr. Helen Schucman and Dr. William Thetford during the years 1965-1962. It came to Helen through the “supernatural” contacting of spirits for wisdom and guidance and Bill wrote it down for her. Helen called it “inner dictation.” She says a voice in her head, a voice, which identified himself as "Jesus," told her, "This is a course in miracles. Please take notes." She confided these to her friend Bill on October 21, 1965 and they made a lot of notes.

A Course in Miracles is supposed to be what this spirit who identified himself as Jesus gave to her directly and it claims to be spiritual wisdom for the coming age of peace and prosperity for planet earth. If it sounds at first a little bit like Christianity, tht is because the wisdom Helen got was given to her in order to set Christianity on a “right” course again. Helen's Jesus told her that he was giving her a message to give the world, because it had strayed so far from truth.

In the realm of incredibly diverse thinking it might almost be considered slightly possible that somewhere along the way people got this thing called Christianity wrong and swerved dramatically from the truth, after all the world is rather topsy-turvy at times.

If you happen to think there is perhaps a bit of wisdom to at least consider the remote possibility that Jesus, the true Jesus, was talking to her, planning to use her like one of the other prophets, giving her a message for the world. Consider the spirit of disdain in the tone of the words he gave her and recognize that such a thing as this is not the same spirit as the holy Spirit of God. REmember that Jesus said, His sheep would know him and know his voice, and the true Jesus would be true to peace and love and kindness, for these things are from God.

This Jesus does not have a friendship or familial relationship with His Father... instead he tells Helen, "The esoteric spiritual traditions -- whether Christian mystics, Hebrew Kabbalists, Zen Buddhists, Islamic Sufis, or Hindu yogis -- all have specific practices to help individuals overcome this great 'illusion of separation' and to experience the One True Self, which is in us all." (ACIM p.149) The One True Self? To Jesus, God was the Father, His Father. It should strike the Christian as odd, to hear the Savior speak this way.

Non Christians should take the time to read the Bible and learn more about what this man Jesus is believe to have said for the last few hunderds of years.

Furthermore, this ACIM “Jesus” who spoke to Helen in her experience, calls “the cross”... “the last useless journey.” He calls it a “pathetic error” for people to cling to the concept of the cross, and he does this as he quotes a Christian hymn, The Old Rugged Cross. (see The Illusions of the Ego, Introduction, @ acim.miraclevision.com) Anyone reading the differences, comparing and contrasting the two will see a world of difference between this ACIM JEsus and the JEsus of the Bible.

Be reminded of the truth that has been passed down for the last two thousand years as you read and consider.... It was Jesus who was mercilessly nailed to the cross, without cause, not even a legal issue was found against him.

God allowed it and endured it with nothing but forgiveness to those around him who were doing such an evil thing. Not only that, he endured it without pointing a finger of blame at anyone or using as words of offense or disdain. Jesus exclaimed... "father forgive them..." The cross... contrary to what ACIM teaches, was not a usless journey.

It was here at the cross that God forgave all our sin, because of Jesus... Somewhere between life and death, Jesus performed the ultimate miracle... he raised from the dead, and by it he made a way for us to return to life as God intended, even though we die. Through JEsus we have a real hope for today and a hope for tomaorrow too, one that we can believe in, one that will never perish, spoil or fade.

Jesus Christ, the real Jesus, didn't consider the cross, "the last useless journey." It was not pleasant for him to think about, not pleasant for him to endure, but he did and he didn;t do it to save himself... and it was not useless. He knew it had a reason and a purpose. If he didn't why would he, being so very wise and good, worth listening to, even do it?

The following words are often quoted in ACIM, and students themselves say they hold forth to us who want to know what ACIM is all about "the essense of all The Course teaches..."

"The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim however at removing the blocks to the awarness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all encompassing can have no opposite. The course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way, "Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God."

In contrast to this summary, Jesus on the cross does teach the meaning of love, and this not by mere words alone, but by his action and words. He did this because for each of us our "natural inheiritance" is death, we get it from our parents... just like everyone else who has ever been born even before them. The reason is not becuse God intended life to be this way but because of sin. You are a sinner and the wages of sin is death. IF there is any blessing in your life, it is merely because life is a blessing from God... and if there is to be any real hope for humanity... anyway for us to know and understand what love is, to get a glimpse of God.. it will be because of Jesus at the cross. God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son and his love was demonstrated not only in this death upon the cross, but in His Words and in the miracles JEsus did, and in the resurrection of JEsus Christ from the dead.

The Occult

Occult means hidden from view, difficult to see. A disease can be occult... if it is hidden and hard to detect... or the word can refer to something not apparent, something veiled. Bucolically, the word occult refers to practices such as astrology (Isaiah 47:13), casting spells (Deut. 18:11), consulting with spirits (Deut. 18:11), magic (Gen. 41:8), sorcery (Exodus. 22:8), witchcraft (Deut. 18:10), and various forms of spiritism, (Deut. 18:11) things that God forbids because they "occult" God.

People who practice occult things like: Ouija, tarot cards, runes, crystal balls, Tantra, hypnosis, astrological charts, séances and even drugs are in spiritual danger because they are playing with the very fires of hell that circumvent the truth of walking with God. The occult will do harm spiritually to a person because they promise light and wisdom, but are void of it. In fact the light they profess to have is no light at all, it is simply darkness, a darness that emanates from a fiery place that is void of God.

Occult practices are things that are believed to open doorways to realms beyond normal understanding and experience, but these realms are not ours they belong to God. God's realms and his glory are not ours for the taking. That is what Satan seeks to do... circumvent God and his will and purpose, usurping all that is God's domain and deceiving humans into doing the same... preventing the possibility of their salvation.

We are not to be those who consult the dead, look for personal gain in card reading or via deception of others, but rather we are to walk with, obey, and consult God, to be those who worship God, in spirit and in truth. This is why Christians leave the occult and it's deeds of darkness alone.


Urantia apparently means earth, but here it refers to the Book of Urantia, sometimes called The Urantia Papers. It is a document that is said to be authored by celestial beings as a special revelation to our planet, Urantia. (Earth’s name of old, they say.)

The Book of Urantia was first published by the Urantia Foundation in 1955. IT is said to be a deeply religious book, and it is about Jesus...it even has a plan of salvation for mankind much like the Bible does but while the Book of Urantia mimics the Bible, and even talks of the savior Jesus and his teachings, it is quite different from it in essentials.

For example, compare the essentials of salvation... as per the Book of
Urantia with that of the scripture that has been handed down through the ages:
Urantia reads:
John asked Jesus, "Master, what is the kingdom of heaven?" And Jesus answered: "The kingdom of heaven consists in these three essentials: first, recognition of the fact of the sovereignty of God;second, belief in the truth of sonship with God; and third, faith in the effectiveness of the supreme human desire to do the will of God -- to be like God. And this is the good news of the gospel: that by faith every mortal may have all these essentials of salvation." [1585:7]

The Bible reveals:

Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed. And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled, but Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Do thyself no harm: for we are all here. Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (Acts, Chapter 16)

It was a young psychiatrist named William S. Sadler from Chicago who is most named as responsible for the publishing of the Book of Urantia. He is named as only one person, a singled out member of a huge part of something considered the Urantia Book Movement. According to wikkipedia and the Urantia website, over 400 people were involved in it at the time of it's beginnings, but most of these remain anonymous, however, Sadler gets the fame.

Sadler, (despit the name) is described as a happy man, and is said to have been very knowledgeable about the Bible, even said to have graduated from the famous Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, andthis with "the highest grades in the history of the school." In regards to Sadler, Wikipedia says that he "was a well-known skeptic of psychic phenomena and devoted a substantial amount of his time to exposing the proponents of the paranormal as frauds and charlatans and writing numerous books on the topic," which is interesting for a man who deviates from the Bible in order to work on promoting the book of Urantia, a book supposedly written by celestial beings.

Replacing the Bible with the Book of Urantia as some new revelation, Unrantia literature is very emphatic in stating that it “does not advocate a new organized religion." Instead they believe the Urantia viewpoint “builds upon the religious heritage of the past and present, encouraging a personal, living religion based on faith and service to one's fellows.” It should be easy to see that Urantia is not "Christianity" at all since is does not mention faith in Jesus or serving God... but if it is not.. then what exactly is it? They claim this is it not "a new organized religion" and that the book of Urantia is the book of truth;" but is it?

The book iteslef tells it's readers that Urantia will give the reader a “new picture of Jesus Christ," and that it will "quickly supply the leadership and inspiration requisite for the social, moral, economic, and political reorganization of the world." So is it a new religious organization, or isn't it? Who will decide? And who is telling the truth?

Quoting the Unrantia book as if it were the Holy Bible itself, using chapter and verse, the Urantia foundation says a lot of things... inall 2097 or so pages of the Book. Baptism, illumination and salvatio... even Jesus, Urantia has it all. Not only that, it would appear to be written with Christians in mind. Amidst all this "awesome," "new" revelation, the Unrantia Foundation claims, “The time is ripe to witness the figurative resurrection of the human Jesus from his burial tomb amidst the theological traditions and the religious dogmas of nineteen centuries."

What exactly is a "figurative resurrection?" And exactly how does witness something that is only figurative?

You really have to wonder.

Apparently these people do not realize that Jesus is risen from the dead already. Is it possible that the Chicago based Moody Bible Institute's highest-scoring-graduate, (Sadler) missed something in his Christian education? After all, in Christian terms, Christ is risen... and it wasn't figurative either. The tomb was empty! Christians believe in the ressurection of Christ and they believe that Jesus, heir of earth, is God in the flesh and though he was crucified that day at Calvary upon a cross and died, he was laid in a tomb but now is risen and because he is risen they will be raised too.

There is nothing "figurative" about it.

Of course the "new" revelation has mass appeal, after all it also teaches that their particular Urantia brand of “spirit-born souls” (those who get this baptism, illumination and salvation through the Urantia spiritual teachings) will “quickly supply the leadership and inspiration requisite for the social, moral, economic, and political reorganization of the world." They will al be "leaders." According to Urantia wisdom, "Religion does need new leaders, spiritual men and women who will dare to depend solely on Jesus and his incomparable teachings...who will be exclusively devoted to the spiritual regeneration of men." [19,5:9-4]

How interesting... Keep in mind this is not the real historical, biblical Jesus.. this is a new Jesus, one with the special Urantia mindset. The old Jesus has been rejected, in fact he is not even resurrected yet... and when he does, it will be only "figurative."

Urantians say two major "blunders" of Christianity are: 1. Christians "connect the gospel teaching directly onto the Jewish theology" (Urantia teaching there is no atonement of Christ for you, and 2. Christians "organize the Christian teaching so completely about the person of Jesus. (149:2.2)

They also say that "Jesus is never satisfied with mere forgiveness." This is because in their ideaology, there is no such thing as being sealed for redemption, and there is no real salvation. The best one can hope for is eternal rehabilitation. (See: Urantia 188:5.2)

According to the Bible Salvation is a free gift from God, one that you recieve when you put your trust in what Jesus did an an atoning sacrifice for sin. According to Urantia's teachings, salvation and forgiveness for sin is not necessary and if you think it's necessary they will tellyou that forgiveness from God is not enough to be right with God, which is simply not the truth. What these Urantian people say, (Jesusonioan tthey call themselves,) is very different from the Bible.

Stripped of all the religious fluff, you find Urantia is what the apostle Paul would call, "another gospel." (One which really is no gospel at all!) Denying the real JEsus CHrist, it teaches that your only hope is in yourself (and of course your eternal rehab situation.) They deny that God is faithful to his promises, faithful to his Word, even to the point of saying "mere forgiveness is not enough."

These witings are not from God, nor do they claim to be. Instead they have come from
unrevealed, unnamed " superhuman "personalities and the means by which the papers materialized was unique and unknown to any living person. Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger, writing for Urantia at their website even says, "claim of authority is not a valid philosophical criterion of truth....Whether supermortals or human beings wrote the book, it must be evaluated by its content, not by who may have written it."

The Bible on the other hand, reveals who wrote and said what... and it is written by men... iwho were moved to write it by divine inspiration, nspired by a true a living God who's word they followed and heard. Unlike Urantia, the Bible has stood the test of time and it will stand forever. After all, it is "not by bread alone" that man shall live, and God... is true and faithful.

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce is said to have had an “uncanny ability” to put himself into some kind of self-induced sleep state (otherwise known as an occult trance) from which he’d answer personal questions for those in audience. These trances became known as “readings.” He is the founder of the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE) and because of his apparent ability to "see" into personal things in the spiritual realms, some people consider him a modern prophet. Edgar Cayce died in 1945, but people to this day still take his readings, channeling, and predictions quite seriously.

One prophecy that people like to talk about is Cayce’s prediction of a global shift of the North and south poles. “There will be the upheavals in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanoes in the torrid areas, and there will be shifting then of the poles...” he announced, January 19, 1934. It hasn't happened yet, but Cayce is not the only psychic to forewarn about such an event in Earth’s future.

Ruth Montgomery, in her book, Strangers Among Us (1992) talked about a pole shift; Eileen Lakes of Japan, as well as Carl Peterson who revisits the predictions of Cayce, Nostradamus and the Hopi Indian and Mayan peoples does too. Cayce himself looked to the year 1999 as a time when such cataclysmic events would cause half of the United States to be submerged in water.
Spiritually minded people may have a deep concern for the spiritual welfare of their listeners and of the planet when they make such predictions, but sometimes their "clair"voyance isn’t so "clear." They are just not 1200% right 100% of the time.

Unfortunately people are apt to believe them, even when they are just plain wrong.

Betty Eadie

Betty Eadie is a lady who almost died, but she was miraculously Embraced By The Light and wrote a “Number 1 New York Times Best-selling Book” to tell about it. In it she claims that she did not die because "Jesus" gave her another chance. Her mission from that point on was to tell the world about the true light of the world. She says that during her near death experience she was shown “many visions of the earth and of the changes it will go through in coming times, changes necessary for the purification of the earth."

Eadie's book, titled, Embraced By The Light, promotes an interesting blend of the Mind Sciences, Native American traditions and Mormon doctrines and tries to pass this off as Christianity. Edie, who now has this special message direct from "Jesus" believes that, “Jesus was a separate being from God, with his own divine purpose.” (Embraced By the Light, page 47) Christianity, on the other hand believes Jesus is one in purpose and being with God the Heavenly Father. John 1:1 says, He was with God and was God, yet he dwelt among us. Jesus even said, “if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” (John 14:7-11; John 6:46) Unfortunately for her readers, the idea that Jesus is not God incarnate and not the Only true Son of God or even of the same purpose as God is, like many other false teachings, contrary to the written scriptures.

Edie, like many other religious works that claim to enlighten the world with spiritual wisdom from beyond the knowable physical realm, uses Jesus as a reference point to try to somehow validate a broader spectrum of beliefs. She is not alone in this idea, and she may even be ebing honest in saying she was simply told the being's name was Jesus... but it’s a completely different Jesus than the Jesus of the Bible; an impostor!

No one can argue with Betty Eadie that the experiences she claims happened to her, did not happen. She has spoken, written and been interviewed for the purpose of telling us what did happen to her. However, based upon the scriptures, and the Holy Spirit that testifies to the Jesus of the scriptures, we can examine what she says and ask, if it is spiritual truth or not.

Easdie says that after her decent into death fallowing surgery she was subsequently greeted by "Jesus " who sent her on a journey to discover the laws of the universe. Laws that govern our lives that, if they are fallowed, will bring peace and joy and love into our lives. Eadie's "Jesus," whoever he is, must have forgotten why the Jesus of Christianity, the King of the Jews himself, died on the cross.

Eadie is half Native American, specifically a descendant of the Lakota Sioux nation. She is very proud of her Indian Heritage and there is also something about Jesus she appreciates too, which she has learned from a Mormon perspective in her own life. Her book is an obvious blending of the two and both are things she holds near and dear to her, both are things she believes in.

Eadie is serious about her near death experience and the things that happened to her and in getting this message out to others. Eadie says, "Embraced By The Light is not about religion. Neither is it only about what happens when we die. It's about living life to its fullest as God intended, without fear of him or of making mistakes," she says. "We are divine beings here on earth to gain wisdom through experience, both good and bad, as we exercise our free will. We need to learn loving ways of living based on what is eternally true."

Eadie believes in spiritual things... she also believes in love... she may even understand the importance of a man named Jesus... (bless her heart) but like so many who are quick to mix truth and error, something is amiss. In talking to people about the prospect of a movie about her book, she said there was no way she would take Jesus out of any script. She says she wants people to come away feeling "loved by God unconditionally, regardless of religious preference or mistakes made in life." She also said, "It's not that I believe everyone will meet Jesus when they die, some don't. Nor do I want to push Jesus on people who are not of that belief. But I know who I met in heaven. I feel to remain honest about that."

Eadie's theology may be mixed up, but there is one thing she seems to be hanging on to, even when she is was "near death," ... Jesus. All I know from where I am is that there is something beautiful about remaining true to the story, the way things really happened. There is something pure about this thing called honesty. Truth is, we are all subject to deception and confusion, even hanging on to our own beliefs or the beliefs that other people tell us to believe, that is, until we come face to face with answering who He (Jesus ) is... and who he isn't.

That is one important thing to know about the Bible; it's honest. Christians are those who believe what God says... believe on the one whom he sent, Jesus. And the thing about the Bible is that it's truthful about who Jesus is and isn't and what he said and did. The bible, is an honest book written by a multitude of authors who all give an honest testimony to God, over hundreds of years time... in more than one language.

The Bible is true, and it's blantantly honest too when it says, " neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " (Romans 8:38)

Benjamin Crème

Benjamin Crème is a British artist, international lecturer and long-time student of esoteric philosophy. He is founder of Share International, a group dedicated to awaiting and announcing a special World Teacher he calls Maitreya. Crème is also responsible for establishment of the TARA Canada Network as well as several other Buddhist oriented “Tara Centers” around the globe. Tara, itself means, “star.” It is also the name of a goddess typically associated with Tibetan Buddhism, a goddess considered to be the mother of liberation. According to the Share International’s webpage, Creme is in constant telepathic contact (since 1959) with an undisclosed entity a member of spiritual beings he calls the “Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom," but this entity is NOT Maitreya, (the expected world teacher.) Creme just gets the inside scoop from this spiritual beings about Maitreya and announces them to the world.

Crème’s Share Internationals group/organization took out full-page ads in 1982 announcing to the world via many major newspapers advertising the coming of Maitreya that read, "The Christ Is Now Here." It said that this World Teacher would be recognized as “the One” waited for by every religious group, “Buddhists, Jews, Christians and Moslems alike,” and that he was now alive and ready to assume his rightful place on the throne of world power. However Maitreya, whoever he is, has kept the world in suspense all these years and has not made himself known to the public. Crème’s Tara Center published a similar full-page ad in USA Today in 1987. This ad again mentioned this person he calls Lord Maitreya and described him as "A great World Teacher for people of every religion and no religion." One year after this Crème appeared on the Art Bell radio program called Coast to Coast AM to re-announce Lord Maitreya’s appearance. And even though he declared that Maitreya’s “great spiritual stature would galvanize and inspire humanity to create a brilliant golden civilization.” The world has yet to see too much more than a few ads... and a photo from his Share International reported "first public appearance" ... June 11, 1988, in Nairobi, Kenya.

In September 2009, a new report came from Share International, complete with a you tube video the message is that "in the very near future a large, bright 'star' will appear in the sky visible to all throughout the world. " We are told that after this, (around a week later,) Maitreya will give his first interview on a major US television. The website also says that since January there have been sightings of the star... (Could it be an" NR 87 Christmas Miracle?"* it reads. )



The reports of sightings, it says, have come from Norway, South Africa, the United States, Dubai and Qatar. Something is on the forefront of the New Age mindsets.... something, or someone that Benjamin Creme calls, Maitreya?

* Home Share International News Release no. 87, 11 December 2008 -Christmas Miracle.

Jeremy Rifkin

Jeremy Rifkin is a US author and social thinker whose books grace the shelves of economically minded intellectuals worldwide. Rifkin espouses what he calls, “global transformation,” referring to it as a radical “'new dream for the world and it’s economy.” Endorsing the monetary strength of a unified Europe, he writes, “We Americans used to say that the American Dream is worth dying for." Rifkin would like you to know what is not the case anymore... nowadays, "The new European Dream is worth living for."

According to Rifkin, the global consciousness talked about in all quarters of the earth is really more than a dream, it is attainable. He writes, “If we could take the American strengths - our sense of personal accountability, our sense of personal optimism our sense of personal risk taking - and galvanize them onto the European Dream - with its sense of solidarity, its sense of communal responsibility, its sense of global consciousness - then the European Dream would truly be a gold standard and the reference for a global consciousness in the 21st century." (- Jeremy Rifkin, Radio Netherlands December 2004.

Rifkin’s works include, The End of Work, (2004) The European Dream: How Europes Vision of the Future is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream, (2005) The Age of Access: The New Culture of Hype Capitalism Where All of Life is a Paid For Experience (2001) The Biotech (1999) He is also president the Foundation on Economic Trends


Gerald (Jerry) Jampolsky is a psychiatrist and a teacher of “practical spirituality.” He founded the Center for Attitudinal Healing in CA and he gives lectures, teaches and has written several “self help” books including, Forgiveness, the Greatest Healer of All (1999); Out of Darkness Into the Light (1999) and Shortcuts to God (2000) His teachings and beliefs, like that of Marianne Williamson, are based on A Course in Miracles (ACIM.)

Jampolsky, even though he so heavily endorses the New Age ACIM, has found his work happily endorsed by some “Christian” pastors and teachers. He is repeated endorsed by Crystal Cathedral pastor Robert Schuller, who calls Jampolsky a respected friend. But more than a respected friend, Jampolsky has been a guest on Schueller’s Hour of Power television broadcast and has even endorsed the back of Robert Schuller’s 2005 book titled, Don’t Throw Away Tomorrow: Living God’s Dream for Your Life. Schuller speaks highly of Mr. Jampolsky, using him as an example in his sermons, and even advertises Jampolski’s books to his parishioners. They obviously have religious views in common.

Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson is what some would call a spiritual activist. A Spiritual activist si a person who" helps awaken the World to Oneness everyday," or so says http://www.humanitysteam.org/spiritual-activism, 2009. While she is politically and spiritually active, Williamson is probably most famous for her avid support of a book published in 1976 by a group known as the Foundation for Inner Peace titled, A Course In Miracles. (ACIM) She is also co-founder of a group called the Global Renaissance Alliance (GRA), part of Humanity's Team, and she lobbies the US government to form a cabinet-level US “Department of Peace.”

Since reading ACIM, Williamson has written many books herself, books that teach others to use the ACIM principals in their lives. Besides writing books, Marianne Williamson gives lectures, classes and workshops, teaching her students something she calls the Miracle Matrix, which is a series of lectures based on the spiritual Christian conterfiet, ACIM.

ACIM is a Christian conterfiet. This means that some people might think it is Christian when it is not. This is because it snegates Christianity while teying to sound like it. ACIM uses biblical sounding phrases, even talks about Jesus Christ... but it denies the bible's teachings on the reality of sin, the humbling of self and the way to God being only through Jesus. The course, came from JEsus, just the same on page 41 of williamson'her book, AReturn to Love, Williamson assures her students, "A Course in Miracles does not push Jesus." She says, " Although the books come from him, it is made very clear that you can be an advanced student of the course and not relate personally to him at all." This is antithetical tohwat the scriptures about Jesus really says.

This imperial concept is amazing since the entire ACIM courses originated with "JEsus." All f the ACIM uderstandings is said to have come directly from the resurrected mind of "Jesus" to a woman named Helen Schucman. He gave her inner dictation while her friend William Thetford typed out her words and published them. The student of ACIM is so close to JEsus, but yet so far. "Jesus" simply dispensed the information, like some sort of machine; ACIM's JEsus has no love relationship with those who take the Course.

In addition to her books, Marianne offers her fans and followers the opportunity to subscribe to her website, (only 19.99 per month or 199.00 per year.) If you join, your membership entitles you to download the ever growing number of lectures on her website called the "Miracle Matrix" as well as her teaching videos and live telecasts and the opportunity to be a part of the Matrix message boards. Chances are you can help her lobby too.

Williamson's Miracle Matrix is people learning from Marianne, and the psuedo Jesus of ACIM, even praying together in the hopes of seeing miracles happen in thier own lives and in the world. co creating the perfect human world. They do this of course, by things learned from ACIM and Williamson as thier spiritual teacher. They purchase Williamson's books, pay her fees for being part of her matrix... (website) and being politically active at her suggestion, in the hopes of creating a beter world and a future of peace and happiness on earth. Unfortunately this is all without real Christian concepts and the true, life-giving words of the biblcially understood Jesus.


Mary, in the Bible, is the mother of Jesus. She is an extremely important part of the gospel because she is the woman through whom the promise of God, (his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ) was born in human flesh to be the Savior of us all. It was through her, through her faith in God and her servant heart of being the “handmaiden of the Lord,” that God's promise was fulfilled. Full of true faith in God, Mary was also proclaimed to be “full of Grace.”

Mary, in nearly every culture has become an icon to some extent. She has been a special source of comfort particularly to those who look to her as a model for women of love for the Lord as well as motherly love. In some cases people think so highly of her that they see Mary as one who, like God answers our prayer, one who we can petition for assistance.

The prayer called the Hail Mary, says, “Hail Mary.... Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.” It is a prayer asking for her intercession on behalf of a sinner, it's said with a humble heart, both good things, but where is Jesus?

Scripture says that there is one mediator between God and man, the Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Tim 2:5) Hebrews 4:14-16, teaches the reader who listened to the words that we have Jesus as a high priest, and that he is approachable and holy, understanding and knowing our weakness, but more importantly, because he is out high priest, we can come boldly to the throne of grace. Not only that, but scripture tells us emphatically that it is Jesus, (not Mary or anyone else,) who is the mediator of our covenant with God. (Hebrews 8:6) People do pray to Mary, but Mary is not the answer to sin, nor is she the savior. Sad to say, such a prayer is really more like praying to the ancient goddess Artemis or Diana, than to God who forgives our sin "in Christ."

Like Artemis or Diana, Mary in such instances is on some sort of spiritual pedestal, like the goddess of old people think of her virtue in her act of motherhood to mankind or her perpetual virginity. If you read about these ancient goddesses you can see the similarities. Catholic teaching, for example is that Mary was not REALLY married to Joseph, who took her to be his wife. He was not her husband, but rather the guardian of her virginity.

Perhaps the woman of Luke 11:27 also had these "goddess" thoughts when she said to Jesus, “Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked.” This notion, whatever it was, stood to be corrected. Jesus replied, “Blessed rather are they who that hear the word of God, and keep it.”
Mary, sweet Blessed Mary, was indeed blessed by God to receive His son, and birth the savior into the world and she did so, by God’s grace... and this was God's will, not her own. She was blessed because she heard the promise of God and believed.

Mary rejoiced over the good news the angel brought her and Mary received God’s incredible gift pondering in her heart over the work of salvation. She said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.” Mary had a savior. She was not a goddess, but a woman. She was human, and she chose to say yes to God because, like the rest of humanity, she needed some good news from heaven.

Luke 1:46-55
And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name.And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.He hath helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy;As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.